Blockscout Versions Save

Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.


1 month ago

This is the list of key fatures introduced in the release:

  • Optimism and Zksync are supported in the master branch now via CHAIN_TYPE compile-time environment variable with the values optimism/zksync respectively.

  • Block import is improved to fetch massive blocks in a separate queue which allows to main queue to be processed faster.

  • The logic of JSON RPC endpoint availability observer is improved: errors came from users actions are excluded.

  • Internal transactions fetcher logic is imroved to process more relevant blocks first.

  • Basic ERC-404 token type support is added

  • API for user operations AI interpretator service is added.

  • Several fixes for blobs support in UI are made.

  • Ethereum JSON RPC API is extended with new endpoints.

  • Stability validators list API is added.

⚙️ the release contains several foreground migrations:

  • new indexes on pending_block_operations, token_transfers and smart_contracts tables.
  • new table massive_blocks.
  • extending market_history table with new column secondary_coin and transform single-column index by date to multi-column including secondary_coin column.

ℹ️ indexes on potentially huge tables are built with concurrently option. So, the foreground migrations shouldn't affect working indexer. Thus, no notable downtime is expected - update can be prepared on the live DB.

💡New environment variables
Variable Required Description Default
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_FALLBACK_ETH_CALL_URL Fallback JSON RPC eth_call url. Implemented in #9511 (empty)
TOKEN_TRANSFER_TOKEN_TYPE_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE Number of token transfers to denormalize (add token_type) in the batch. 100
TOKEN_TRANSFER_TOKEN_TYPE_MIGRATION_CONCURRENCY Number of parallel denormalization token transfer batches processing. 1
SANITIZE_INCORRECT_NFT_BATCH_SIZE Number of token transfers to sanitize in the batch. 100
SANITIZE_INCORRECT_NFT_CONCURRENCY Number of parallel sanitizing token transfer batches processing. 1
EXCHANGE_RATES_COINGECKO_SECONDARY_COIN_ID Explicitly set CoinGecko coin ID for secondary coin market chart. Implemented in #9483. (empty)
EXCHANGE_RATES_COINMARKETCAP_SECONDARY_COIN_ID CoinMarketCap coin id for secondary coin market chart. Implemented in #9483. (empty)
EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTOCOMPARE_SECONDARY_COIN_SYMBOL CryptoCompare coin symbol for secondary coin market chart. Implemented in #9483. (empty)
CACHE_TRANSACTIONS_24H_STATS_PERIOD Interval to update data for the last 24 hours transactions stats. Time format. Introduced in #9483. 1h
CACHE_FRESH_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_COUNTER_PERIOD Interval to update count of pending transactions that appeared less than half an hour ago. Time format. Introduced in #9483. 5m
CACHE_OPTIMISM_LAST_OUTPUT_ROOT_SIZE_COUNTER_PERIOD Interval to update data for the last output root size counter. Time format. Introduced in #9532. 5m
GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_SAFELOW_TIME_COEFFICIENT Average block time multiplied by this coefficent for safelow gas price when time from pending transactions is not available. Floats may be used. Introduced in #9582. 5
GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_AVERAGE_TIME_COEFFICIENT Average block time multiplied by this coefficent for average gas price when time from pending transactions is not available. Floats may be used. Introduced in #9582. 3
GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_FAST_TIME_COEFFICIENT Average block time multiplied by this coefficent for fast gas price when time from pending transactions is not available. Floats may be used. Introduced in #9582. 1
ETH_JSON_RPC_MAX_BATCH_SIZE Max batch size for Eth JSON RPC requests. Implemented in #9409 5

Optimism Rollup Management

Please note that these Optimism-related variables are only supported together with setting CHAIN_TYPE=optimism.

Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_RPC The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch transaction batches, output roots, deposits, or withdrawal events. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_PORTAL_CONTRACT The address of OptimismPortal contract on L1 used to fetch deposits and withdrawal events. Required for deposits and withdrawal events indexing. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_START_BLOCK The number of start block on L1 to index transaction batches. If the table of batches is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed batch. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_INBOX The inbox address to index transaction batches on L1. Required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_START_BLOCK is not empty. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_SUBMITTER The batch submitter address to index transaction batches on L1. Required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_START_BLOCK is not empty. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKSCOUT_BLOBS_API_URL Defines a URL to Blockscout Blobs API to retrieve L1 blobs from that. Example for Sepolia: Required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_START_BLOCK is not empty. Implemented in #9571. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE Blocks chunk size to send batch RPC requests. Implemented in #6980. 4
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_BATCH_GENESIS_BLOCK_NUMBER L2 genesis block number for Optimism chain. Required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_START_BLOCK is defined. The block number can be found at superchain registry. Example. Implemented in #9260. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_OUTPUT_ROOTS_START_BLOCK The number of start block on L1 to index output roots. If the table of output roots is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed root. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_OUTPUT_ORACLE_CONTRACT The address of OutputOracle contract on L1 used to fetch output roots. Required for output roots indexing when INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_OUTPUT_ROOTS_START_BLOCK is not empty. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_DEPOSITS_START_BLOCK The number of the L1 block from which deposits will be fetched. Implemented in #6993. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_DEPOSITS_BATCH_SIZE Number of blocks in a single eth_getLogs request. Implemented in #6993. 500
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_WITHDRAWALS_START_BLOCK The number of start block on L1 to index withdrawal events. If the table of withdrawal events is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed withdrawal event. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_WITHDRAWALS_START_BLOCK The number of start block on L2 to index withdrawals. If the table of withdrawals is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed withdrawal. Implemented in #6980. (empty)
INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_MESSAGE_PASSER_CONTRACT The address of L2ToL1MessagePasser contract to index withdrawals. Required if INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_WITHDRAWALS_START_BLOCK is not empty. Implemented in #6980. (empty)

zkSync Rollup Management

Please note that these zkSync-related variables are only supported together with setting CHAIN_TYPE=zksync.

Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_ZKSYNC_BATCHES_ENABLED Enables Polygon zkEVM batches fetcher. Implemented in #9080. false
INDEXER_ZKSYNC_BATCHES_CHUNK_SIZE The number of RPC calls in one request when reading data from RPC. Implemented in #9080. 50
INDEXER_ZKSYNC_NEW_BATCHES_MAX_RANGE Maximum amount of batches requested if Blockscout does not have all batches synced. Implemented in #9080. 50
INDEXER_ZKSYNC_NEW_BATCHES_RECHECK_INTERVAL The latest batch rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in #9080. 60
INDEXER_ZKSYNC_L1_RPC The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch status of batches. Implemented in #9080. (empty)
INDEXER_ZKSYNC_BATCHES_STATUS_RECHECK_INTERVAL The batches status rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in #9080. 60

Full changelog

Features 🎉

  • #9631 - Initial support of zksync chain type
  • #9532 - Add last output root size counter
  • #9511 - Separate errors by type in EndpointAvailabilityObserver
  • #9490, #9644 - Add blob transaction counter and filter in block view
  • #9486 - Massive blocks fetcher
  • #9483 - Add secondary coin and transaction stats
  • #9473 - Add user_op interpretation
  • #9461 - Fetch blocks without internal transactions backwards
  • #9460 - Optimism chain type
  • #9409 - ETH JSON RPC extension
  • #9390 - Add stability validators
  • #8702 - Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API
  • #7200 - Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API
  • #6980 - Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals)

Fixes 🛠️

  • #9654 - Send timeout param in debug_traceBlockByNumber request
  • #9653 - Tokens import improvements
  • #9652 - Remove duplicated tx hashes while indexing OP batches
  • #9646 - Hotfix for Optimism Ecotone batch blobs indexing
  • #9640 - Fix no function clause matching in BENS.item_to_address_hash_strings/1
  • #9638 - Do not broadcast coin balance changes with empty value/delta
  • #9635 - Reset missing ranges collector to max number after the cycle is done
  • #9629 - Don't insert pbo for not inserted blocks
  • #9620 - Fix infinite retries for orphaned blobs
  • #9601 - Fix token instance transform for some unconventional tokens
  • #9597 - Update token transfers block_consensus by block_number
  • #9596 - Fix logging
  • #9585 - Fix Geth block internal transactions fetching
  • #9576 - Rewrite query for token transfers on address to eliminate "or"
  • #9572 - Fix Shibarium L1 fetcher
  • #9563 - Fix timestamp handler for unfinalized zkEVM batches
  • #9560 - Fix fetch pending transaction for hyperledger besu client
  • #9555 - Fix EIP-1967 beacon proxy pattern detection
  • #9529 - Fix MAX_SAFE_INTEGER frontend bug
  • #9518, #9628 - Fix MultipleResultsError in smart_contract_creation_tx_bytecode/1
  • #9514 - Fix missing 0x prefix for blockNumber, logIndex, transactionIndex and remove transactionLogIndex in eth_getLogs response.
  • #9510 - Fix WS false 0 token balances
  • #9512 - Docker-compose 2.24.6 compatibility
  • #9262 - Fix withdrawal status
  • #9123 - Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type
  • #8831 - Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction
  • #8822 - Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function
  • #8811 - Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status
  • #8364 - Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals
  • #8229 - Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch
  • #8208 - Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module
  • #8122 - Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module
  • #7827 - Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack
  • #7776 - Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch
  • #7219 - Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page and fix transaction fee calculation
  • #6699 - L1 tx fields fix for Goerli Optimism BedRock update

Chore 🧹

  • #9622 - Add alternative mirrors
  • #9571 - Support Optimism Ecotone upgrade by Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.TxnBatch module
  • #9562 - Add cancun evm version
  • #9506 - API v1 bridgedtokenlist endpoint
  • #9260 - Optimism Delta upgrade support by Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module
  • #8740 - Add delay to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module initialization
Dependencies version bumps
  • #9544 - Bump @babel/core from 7.23.9 to 7.24.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9537 - Bump logger_json from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4
  • #9550 - Bump xss from 1.0.14 to 1.0.15 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9539 - Bump floki from 0.35.4 to 0.36.0
  • #9551 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9547 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.9 to 7.24.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9549 - Bump postcss-loader from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9542 - Bump phoenix_ecto from 4.4.3 to 4.5.0
  • #9546 -
  • #9545 - Bump chart.js from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9540 - Bump postgrex from 0.17.4 to 0.17.5
  • #9543 - Bump ueberauth from 0.10.7 to 0.10.8
  • #9538 - Bump credo from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5
  • #9607 - Bump redix from 1.3.0 to 1.4.1
  • #9606 - Bump ecto from 3.11.1 to 3.11.2
  • #9605 - Bump ex_doc from 0.31.1 to 0.31.2
  • #9604 - Bump phoenix_ecto from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 month ago

⚠️ if migration is from 6.1.0 or less: background migrations will require more computational resources on the application and DB level because additional migrators are running. It is suggested to increase allocated resources before starting the update. Once the status of migration in migration_status table turns into completed, resources can be returned to the initial range as it was before the update.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


1 month ago

⚠️ if migration is from 6.1.0 or less: background migrations will require more computational resources on the application and DB level because additional migrators are running. It is suggested to increase allocated resources before starting the update. Once the status of migration in migration_status table turns into completed, resources can be returned to the initial range as it was before the update.


  • #9502 - Add batch_size and concurrency envs for tt token type migration
  • #9493 - Fix API response for unknown blob hashes
  • #9484 - Fix read contract error
  • #9426 - Fix tabs counter cache bug


Dependencies version bumps
  • #9478 - Bump floki from 0.35.3 to 0.35.4
  • #9477 - Bump hammer from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1
  • #9476 - Bump eslint from 8.56.0 to 8.57.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9475 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.4.1 to 2.5.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9474 - Bump sass from 1.71.0 to 1.71.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9492 - Bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


1 month ago

EIP-4844 (Data availability) support is added in this release: blobs data is indexed from the consensus layer and can be explorable in the explorer. It is enabled automatically with CHAIN_TYPE=ethereum set in compile and run time.

Polygon ZkEVM bridge operations (transactions/withdrawals) support is added.

In 6.2.0 we continue DB schema enhancements for the sake of improving the performance of the queries. The current release contains denormalization of token_transfers table: block_consensus and token_type fields are added along with background migration to backfill existing data (See the last chapter in 6.0.0 release notes to check the status of background migration). In addition, the performance of the coin balance fetching is improved by exporting it to the asynchronous part of the block import.

More minimal proxy pattern support is added.

It is possible now to link license during verification of the smart-contract.

Fetching of internal transactions from FEVM's (Filecoin EVM) trace_block method is added. And filecoin-related changes are now supported in the master branch of the repo.

⚠️ start_block/end_block filters in API v1 are not supported anymore. Please, use startblock/endblock instead.

⚙️ the release contains 2 foreground migrations for all:

  • extending smart_contracts table with the new column license_type.
  • extending token_transfers table with the new column block_consensus.

And tables creations and extending blocks table for EIP-4844 support (CHAIN_TYPE=ethereum). Those migrations shouldn't take much time: several minutes at most.

⚠️ background migrations will require more computational resources on the application and DB level because additional migrators are running. It is suggested to increase allocated resources before starting the update. Once the status of migration in migration_status table turns into completed, resources can be returned to the initial range as it was before the update.

💡New environment variables
Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_FETCHER If true, erc-1155-sanitize token instance fetcher doesn't run. Implemented in #9226. false
INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_FETCHER If true, erc-721-sanitize token instance fetcher doesn't run. Implemented in #9226. false
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY Concurrency for erc-1155-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 2
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY Concurrency for erc-721-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 2
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE Batch size for erc-1155-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 10
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE Batch size for erc-721-sanitize token instance fetcher. Implemented in #9226. 10
INDEXER_EMPTY_BLOCKS_SANITIZER_INTERVAL Interval for empty block sanitizer. Implemented in #8658
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_USE_BASE_URI_RETRY If true, and request to tokenURI(tokenId) failed with VM execution error, Blockscout will make request to baseURI and try to request metadata from baseURI + tokenId false
EIP_1559_BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR EIP-1559 base fee max change denominator. Implemented in #9202 8

Ethereum Management

Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_BEACON_RPC_URL The Beacon Chain RPC endpoint used to fetch blob sidecars. Implemented in #9168. http://localhost:5052
INDEXER_DISABLE_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER If true the fetcher of Beacon data blobs won't be started, new transaction and block fields still will be extracted. Implemented in #9168. false
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_SLOT_DURATION Slot duration in the Beacon Chain in seconds. Implemented in #9168. 12
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_SLOT Any past finalized Beacon Chain slot number. Used as reference for blob inclusion slot calculations. Implemented in #9168. 8000000
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_TIMESTAMP UTC timestamp of the Beacon Chain slot specified in INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_SLOT. Used as reference for blob inclusion slot calculations. Implemented in #9168. 1702824023
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_START_BLOCK Beacon Chain blob fetcher start block. On start-up, indexer will only look for missed blobs beyond this block number. It's recommended to set this block to the first block after the Dencun hardfork. Implemented in #9168. 19200000
INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_END_BLOCK Beacon Chain blob fetcher end block. On start-up, indexer will only look for missed blobs before this block number. If set to 0, then all recent till latest will be traversed. Implemented in #9168. 0

Polygon zkEVM Rollup management

Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_RPC The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch Deposit or Withdrawal bridge events. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK The number of a start block on L1 to index L1 bridge events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L1 event. If empty or not defined, the L1 events are not handled. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_CONTRACT The address of PolygonZkEVMBridge contract on L1 used to fetch L1 bridge events. Required for L1 bridge events indexing. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_NATIVE_SYMBOL The symbol of the native coin on L1 to display it in the table of the bridge Deposits and Withdrawals on UI. Implemented in #9098. ETH
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_NATIVE_DECIMALS The number of decimals to correctly display an amount of native coins for some Deposit or Withdrawal bridge operations on UI. Implemented in #9098. 18
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK The number of a start block on L2 to index L2 bridge events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L2 event. If empty or not defined, the L2 events are not handled. Implemented in #9098.
INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_CONTRACT The address of PolygonZkEVMBridge contract on L2 used to fetch L2 bridge events. Required for L2 bridge events indexing. Implemented in #9098.
⛔ Deprecated environment variables
Variable Required Description Default
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_ENABLED Enables Polygon zkEVM batches fetcher. Implemented in #7584. false
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_CHUNK_SIZE The number of Polygon zkEVM batches in one chunk when reading them from RPC. Implemented in #7584. 20
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_RECHECK_INTERVAL The latest batch rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in #7584. 60

Full changelog

Features 🎉

  • #9441 - Update BENS integration: change endpoint for resolving address in search
  • #9437 - Add Enum.uniq before sanitizing token transfers
  • #9403 - Null round handling
  • #9401 - Eliminate incorrect token transfers with empty token_ids
  • #9396 - More-Minimal Proxy support
  • #9386 - Filecoin JSON RPC variant
  • #9379 - Filter non-traceable transactions for zetachain
  • #9364 - Fix using of startblock/endblock in API v1 list endpoints: txlist, txlistinternal, tokentx
  • #9360 - Move missing ranges sanitize to a separate background migration
  • #9351 - add proxy endpoint for describeTxs endpoint
  • #9282 - Add license_type to smart contracts
  • #9202 - Add base and priority fee to gas oracle response
  • #9182 - Fetch coin balances in async mode in realtime fetcher
  • #9168 - Support EIP4844 blobs indexing & API
  • #9098 - Polygon zkEVM Bridge indexer and API v2 extension

Fixes 🛠️

  • #9444 - Fix quick search bug
  • #9440 - Add debug_traceBlockByNumber to method_to_url
  • #9387 - Filter out Vyper contracts in Solidityscan API endpoint
  • #9377 - Speed up account abstraction proxy
  • #9371 - Filter empty values before token update
  • #9356 - Remove ERC-1155 logs params from coin balances params
  • #9346 - Process integer balance in genesis.json
  • #9317 - Include null gas price txs in fee calculations
  • #9315 - Fix manual uncle reward calculation
  • #9306 - Improve marking of failed internal transactions
  • #9305 - Add effective gas price calculation as fallback
  • #9300 - Fix read contract bug
  • #9226 - Split Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.LegacySanitize

Chore 🧹

  • #9439 - Solidityscan integration enhancements
  • #9398 - Improve elixir dependencies caching in CI
  • #9393 - Bump actions/cache to v4
  • #9389 - Output user address as an object in API v2 for Shibarium
  • #9361 - Define BRIDGED_TOKENS_ENABLED env in Dockerfile
  • #9257 - Retry token instance metadata fetch from baseURI + tokenID
  • #8851 - Fix dialyzer and add TypedEctoSchema
Dependencies version bumps
  • #9335 - Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 2.7.7 to 2.8.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9333 - Bump sweetalert2 from 11.10.3 to 11.10.5 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9288 - Bump solc from 0.8.23 to 0.8.24 in /apps/explorer
  • #9287 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.8 to 7.23.9 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9331 - Bump logger_json from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3
  • #9330 - Bump hammer from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0
  • #9294 - Bump exvcr from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1
  • #9293 - Bump floki from 0.35.2 to 0.35.3
  • #9338 - Bump postcss-loader from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9336 - Bump web3 from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9290 - Bump ex_doc from 0.31.0 to 0.31.1
  • #9285 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9283 - Bump @babel/core from 7.23.7 to 7.23.9 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9337 - Bump css-loader from 6.9.1 to 6.10.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9334 - Bump sass-loader from 14.0.0 to 14.1.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9339 - Bump webpack from 5.89.0 to 5.90.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9383 - Bump credo from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4
  • #9384 - Bump postcss from 8.4.33 to 8.4.35 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9385 - Bump mixpanel-browser from 2.48.1 to 2.49.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9423 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9422 - Bump core-js from 3.35.1 to 3.36.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9424 - Bump webpack from 5.90.1 to 5.90.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9425 - Bump sass-loader from 14.1.0 to 14.1.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9421 - Bump sass from 1.70.0 to 1.71.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets

Auto-generated release notes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 months ago

Release 6.1.0 is charged with new features and integrations. Here are some of them:

  • Full support of Account abstraction (EIP-4337): decoding operation calldata API v2 endpoint, search by operation hash are implemented as well as User operations indexer microservice API endpoints are proxied to Blockscout API v2 endpoints.
  • An additional option to fetch in internal transactions per block through debug_traceBlockByNumber for Geth JSON RPC variant is implemented.
  • An ability to submit smart-contract audit reports has been implemented.
  • new API v2 endpoints have been created as proxy for API endpoints.
  • API v1 is extended with various new endpoints.
  • Fetching of native token image from CoinGecko and return it through API v2 stats endpoint is implemented.
  • An ability to configure bridged tokens fetcher for AMB and Omni bridges moved to master branch.

⚠️ For the sake of increasing DB queries performance there are 2 index creations with concurrently option are added to this release. Downtime is not expected. However, this affects the time of the release installation.

💡New environment variables
Variable Required Description Default
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_GETH_TRACE_BY_BLOCK Enable tracing by block for geth variant. Implemented in #9072 false
CONTRACT_PROXY_IMPLEMENTATION_TTL_VIA_AVG_BLOCK_TIME If false, proxy contract implementation will be re-fetched immediately once someone opend proxy page bypassing average block time calculation. Implemented in #9155. true
CONTRACT_AUDIT_REPORTS_AIRTABLE_URL URL of AirTable to store audit reports from users. Implemented in #9120 (empty)
MARKET_HISTORY_FETCH_INTERVAL Interval to update data for the last day in Market History table. Time format. Introduced in #9197. 1h
NOVES_FI_BASE_API_URL API base URL. Implemented in #9056.
NOVES_FI_CHAIN_NAME API chain name. Implemented in #9056. (empty)
NOVES_FI_API_TOKEN API API token for usage of API. Implemented in #9056. API. (empty)
BRIDGED_TOKENS_ENABLED Variable to enabled bridged tokens functionality. Introduced in #9169 (empty)
BRIDGED_TOKENS_ETH_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR OMNI bridge mediator for ETH tokens. Introduced in #9169 (empty)
BRIDGED_TOKENS_BSC_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR OMNI bridge mediator for BSC tokens. Introduced in #9169 (empty)
BRIDGED_TOKENS_POA_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR OMNI bridge mediator for POA tokens. Introduced in #9169 (empty)
BRIDGED_TOKENS_AMB_BRIDGE_MEDIATORS AMB bridge mediator. Introduced in #9169 (empty)
BRIDGED_TOKENS_FOREIGN_JSON_RPC Ethereum mainnet JSON RPC. Introduced in #9169 (empty)
MICROSERVICE_ACCOUNT_ABSTRACTION_ENABLED If true, integration with Blockscout Account Abstraction service is enabled. Implemented in #9145 (empty)
MICROSERVICE_ACCOUNT_ABSTRACTION_URL URL of Blockscout ENS service. Implemented in #9145 (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_RPC The RPC endpoint for L1 used to fetch deposit or withdrawal events. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_START_BLOCK The number of start block on L1 to index L1 events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L1 event. If empty or not defined, the L1 events are not handled. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_DEPOSIT_MANAGER_CONTRACT The address of DepositManagerProxy contract on L1 used to fetch BONE token deposits. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ETHER_PREDICATE_CONTRACT The address of EtherPredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ETH deposits and withdrawals. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ERC20_PREDICATE_CONTRACT The address of ERC20PredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ERC20 token deposits and withdrawals. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ERC721_PREDICATE_CONTRACT The address of ERC721PredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ERC721 token deposits and withdrawals. Optional for L1 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ERC1155_PREDICATE_CONTRACT The address of ERC1155PredicateProxy contract on L1 used to fetch ERC1155 token deposits and withdrawals. Optional for L1 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_WITHDRAW_MANAGER_CONTRACT The address of WithdrawManagerProxy contract on L1 used to fetch BONE token withdrawals. Required for L1 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L2_START_BLOCK The number of start block on L2 to index L2 events. If the table of bridge operations is not empty, the process will continue indexing from the last indexed L2 event. If empty or not defined, the L2 events are not handled. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L2_CHILD_CHAIN_CONTRACT The address of ChildChain contract on L2 used to fetch BONE token deposits. Required for L2 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L2_WETH_CONTRACT The address of WETH contract on L2 used to fetch ETH deposits and withdrawals. Required for L2 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)
INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L2_BONE_WITHDRAW_CONTRACT The address of a contract which emits Withdraw event on L2. Used to fetch BONE token withdrawals. Required for L2 events indexing. Implemented in #8929. (empty)

Features 🎉

  • #9189 - User operations in the search
  • #9169 - Add bridged tokens functionality to master branch
  • #9158 - Increase shared memory for PostgreSQL containers
  • #9155 - Allow bypassing avg block time in proxy implementation re-fetch ttl calculation
  • #9148 - Add /api/v2/utils/decode-calldata
  • #9145, #9309 - Proxy for Account abstraction microservice
  • #9132 - Fetch token image from CoinGecko
  • #9131 - Merge addresses stage with address referencing
  • #9120 - Add GET and POST /api/v2/smart-contracts/:address_hash/audit-reports
  • #9072 - Add tracing by block logic for geth
  • #9185, #9068 - New RPC API v1 endpoints
  • #9056 - API proxy

Fixes 🛠️

  • #9275 - Tx summary endpoint fixes
  • #9261 - Fix pending transactions sanitizer
  • #9253 - Don't fetch first trace for pending transactions
  • #9241 - Fix log decoding bug
  • #9234 - Add missing filters by non-pending transactions
  • #9229 - Add missing filter to txlist query
  • #9195 - API v1 allow multiple slashes in the path before "api"
  • #9187 - Fix Internal Server Error on request for nonexistent token instance
  • #9178 - Change internal txs tracer type to opcode for Hardhat node
  • #9173 - Exclude genesis block from average block time calculation
  • #9143 - Handle nil token_ids in token transfers on render
  • #9139 - TokenBalanceOnDemand fixes
  • #9125 - Fix Explorer.Chain.Cache.GasPriceOracle.merge_fees
  • #9124 - EIP-1167 display multiple sources of implementation
  • #9110 - Improve update_in in gas tracker
  • #9109 - Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats
  • #9102 - Fix some log topics for Suave and Polygon Edge
  • #9075 - Fix fetching contract codes
  • #9073 - Allow payable function with output appear in the Read tab
  • #9069 - Fetch realtime coin balances only for addresses for which it has changed

Chore 🧹

  • #9323 - Change index creation to concurrent
  • #9322 - Create repo setup actions
  • #9303 - Add workflow for Shibarium
  • #9233 - "cataloged" index on tokens table
  • #9198 - Make Postgres@15 default option
  • #9196 - Compatibility with docker-compose 2.24
  • #9193 - Equalize elixir stack versions
  • #9153 - Enhanced unfetched token balances index
Dependencies version bumps
  • #9119 - Bump sass from 1.69.6 to 1.69.7 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9126 - Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.8 to 1.15.4 in /apps/explorer
  • #9116 - Bump ueberauth from 0.10.5 to 0.10.7
  • #9118 - Bump postcss from 8.4.32 to 8.4.33 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9161 - Bump sass-loader from 13.3.3 to 14.0.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9160 - Bump copy-webpack-plugin from 11.0.0 to 12.0.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9165 - Bump sweetalert2 from 11.10.2 to 11.10.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9163 - Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 2.7.6 to 2.7.7 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9159 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.7 to 7.23.8 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9162 - Bump style-loader from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9164 - Bump css-loader from 6.8.1 to 6.9.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8686 - Bump dialyxir from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
  • #8861 - Bump briefly from 51dfe7f to 4836ba3
  • #9117 - Bump credo from 1.7.1 to 1.7.3
  • #9222 - Bump dialyxir from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3
  • #9219 - Bump sass from 1.69.7 to 1.70.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9224 - Bump ex_cldr_numbers from 2.32.3 to 2.32.4
  • #9220 - Bump copy-webpack-plugin from 12.0.1 to 12.0.2 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9216 - Bump core-js from 3.35.0 to 3.35.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9218 - Bump postcss-loader from 7.3.4 to 8.0.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9223 - Bump plug_cowboy from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2
  • #9217 - Bump css-loader from 6.9.0 to 6.9.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9215 - Bump css-minimizer-webpack-plugin from 5.0.1 to 6.0.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9221 - Bump autoprefixer from 10.4.16 to 10.4.17 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

This release contains bulk DB migrations for the sake of improvement of Blockscout DB schema such as:

  • Denormalization of table transactions: adding block_consensus, block_timestamp. This allows eliminating join with blocks table almost in all API v1/v2 endpoints which return entities list or address's entities list.
  • Finalization of denormalizing of tables address_current_token_balances and address_token_balances: filling empty token_types to be able to eliminate join with tokens table in some requests where token transfers take place.
  • Changing of topics (4 fields) column types of event logs from string to bytea. This should make logs table lighter up to 21%.
  • Improvement of index to speed up query for getting token IDs of the token. This should improve the response time of token's inventory tab API.
  • Adding mirror indexes in ascending direction to improve the speed of API requests with ascending order included.
  • Removal of unused indexes to release DB storage.
  • Drop type column in event logs since it is not used.
  • Adding index for blocks refetch_needed column to improve init query performance for BlocksTransactionsMismatch fetcher.

⚠️ To mitigate the risk of data corruption due to migration please make sure, that you make a copy of the previous DB before running these DB migrations. ℹ️ The release contains foreground and background migrations. Foreground migrations run before the application has been started. At this time downtime is expected. Background migrations run after the applications is started. Background migrations are for backfilling the existing data to fit new DB schema. Background migrations can be running on the live instance of Blockscout: if background migrations are not finished yet, the application is usable - it automatically will use new queries, if the migration is finished, and use old queries with joins while background migration is in progress. ⚠️ Please take in mind that foreground DB migrations are heavy enough and downtime of the explorer is expected. Depending on the size of the foreground DB migrations may take up to 24 hours. For instance, migrations lasted ~6 hours on ETH Sepolia DB. We recommend running a separate Blockscout instance of 6.0.0 version on the replica of the DB and switching to it when all migrations have been finished.

Check the status of background migration

Please be aware, that denormalization of the archive data in the affected tables will continue in the background mode even when the application will be up & running after running the set of DB migrations. The background DB migrations can last several days. You can check the migration status from the DB with the query SELECT * FROM migrations_status;. Once the migration has been finished, the response should be like this:

 migration_name  |  status   |        inserted_at         |         updated_at
 denormalization | completed | 2023-12-17 05:00:28.36332  | 2023-12-26 07:27:20.669697
 ctb_token_type  | completed | 2024-01-04 18:32:46.301728 | 2024-01-04 18:40:09.112862
 tb_token_type   | completed | 2024-01-04 18:32:46.41895  | 2024-01-04 18:40:26.470253

New environment variables

Variable Required Description Default
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_ETH_CALL_URL JSON RPC url for eth_call method. Implemented in #9112 (empty)
GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_SIMPLE_TRANSACTION_GAS Gas price oracle: amount of gas for a simple coin transfer. Introduced in #9044. 21000
DENORMALIZATION_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE Number of transactions to denormalize (add block timestamp and consensus) in the batch. 500
DENORMALIZATION_MIGRATION_CONCURRENCY Number of parallel denormalization transaction batches processing. 10

Features 🎉

  • #9112 - Add specific url for eth_call
  • #9044 - Expand gas price oracle functionality

Fixes 🛠️

  • #9113 - Fix migrators cache updating
  • #9101 - Fix migration_finished? logic
  • #9062 - Fix blockscout-ens integration
  • #9061 - Arbitrum allow tx receipt gasUsedForL1 field
  • #8812 - Update existing tokens type if got transfer with higher type priority

Chore 🧹

  • #9055 - Add ASC indices for logs, token transfers, transactions
  • #9038 - Token type filling migrations
  • #9009 - Index for block refetch_needed
  • #9007 - Drop logs type index
  • #9006 - Drop unused indexes on address_current_token_balances table
  • #9005 - Drop unused token_id column from token_transfers table and indexes based on this column
  • #9000 - Change log topic type in the DB to bytea
  • #8996 - Refine token transfers token ids index
  • #5322 - DB denormalization: block consensus and timestamp in transaction table
Dependencies version bumps
  • #9059 - Bump redux from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9057 - Bump benchee from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0
  • #9060 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.3.7 to 2.3.8 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9084 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.6 to 7.23.7 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9083 - Bump @babel/core from 7.23.6 to 7.23.7 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9086 - Bump core-js from 3.34.0 to 3.35.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9081 - Bump sweetalert2 from 11.10.1 to 11.10.2 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9085 - Bump moment from 2.29.4 to 2.30.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9087 - Bump postcss-loader from 7.3.3 to 7.3.4 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9082 - Bump sass-loader from 13.3.2 to 13.3.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9088 - Bump sass from 1.69.5 to 1.69.6 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

Introducing integration with Blockscout ENS service (BENS). The list of env variable for enabling integration with BENS. Basic compatibility with EIP-4844 chains has been added (full support will be included into the upcoming releases).

Compatible with frontend v1.20.0.

New environment variables

Variable Required Description Default
MICROSERVICE_BENS_ENABLED If true, integration with Blockscout ENS service is enabled. Implemented in #8972 (empty)
MICROSERVICE_BENS_URL URL of Blockscout ENS service. Implemented in #8972 (empty)
DATABASE_QUEUE_TARGET Management of DB queue target. Implemented in #8991. 50ms
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_LEGACY_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY Concurrency for legacy sanitize token instance fetcher doesn't run. Appeared in #8386 2
TRACE_BLOCK_RANGES Block ranges for traceable blocks. Example: TRACE_BLOCK_RANGES="1..3,123..500,30..50,500..latest". Implemented in #8960 (empty)

Features 🎉

  • #9018 - Add SmartContractRealtimeEventHandler
  • #8997 - Isolate throttable error count by request method
  • #8975 - Add EIP-4844 compatibility (not full support yet)
  • #8972 - BENS integration
  • #8960 - TRACE_BLOCK_RANGES env var
  • #8957 - Add Tx Interpreter Service integration

Fixes 🛠️

  • #9039 - Fix tx input decoding in tx summary microservice request
  • #9035 - Handle Postgrex errors on NFT import
  • #9015 - Optimize NFT owner preload
  • #9013 - Speed up Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.LegacySanitize
  • #8969 - Support legacy paging options for address transaction endpoint
  • #8965 - Set poll: false for internal transactions fetcher
  • #8955 - Remove daily balances updating from BlockReward fetcher
  • #8846 - Handle nil gas_price at address view

Chore 🧹

  • #9014 - Decrease amount of NFT in address collection: 15 -> 9
  • #8994 - Refactor transactions event preloads
  • #8991 - Manage DB queue target via runtime env var
Dependencies version bumps
  • #8986 - Bump chart.js from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8982 - Bump ex_doc from 0.30.9 to 0.31.0
  • #8987 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.5 to 7.23.6 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8984 - Bump ecto_sql from 3.11.0 to 3.11.1
  • #8988 - Bump core-js from 3.33.3 to 3.34.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8980 - Bump exvcr from 0.14.4 to 0.15.0
  • #8985 - Bump @babel/core from 7.23.5 to 7.23.6 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9020 - Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.29.0 to 2.29.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9021 - Bump eslint from 8.55.0 to 8.56.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #9019 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


4 months ago

Features 🎉

  • #8908 - Solidityscan report API endpoint
  • #8900 - Add Compound proxy contract pattern
  • #8611 - Implement sorting of smart contracts, address transactions

Fixes 🛠️

  • #8959 - Skip failed instances in Token Instance Owner migrator
  • #8924 - Delete invalid current token balances in OnDemand fetcher
  • #8922 - Allow call type to be in lowercase
  • #8917 - Proxy detection hotfix in API v2
  • #8915 - smart-contract: delete embeds_many relation on replace
  • #8906 - Fix abi encoded string argument
  • #8898 - Enhance method decoding by candidates from DB
  • #8882 - Change order of proxy contracts patterns detection: existing popular EIPs to the top of the list
  • #8707 - Fix native coin exchange rate with EXCHANGE_RATES_COINGECKO_COIN_ID

Chore 🧹

  • #8956 - Refine docker-compose config structure
  • #8911 - Set client_connection_check_interval for main Postgres DB in docker-compose setup
Dependencies version bumps
  • #8863 - Bump core-js from 3.33.2 to 3.33.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8864 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8860 - Bump ecto_sql from 3.10.2 to 3.11.0
  • #8896 - Bump httpoison from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1
  • #8867 - Bump mixpanel-browser from 2.47.0 to 2.48.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8865 - Bump eslint from 8.53.0 to 8.54.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8866 - Bump sweetalert2 from 11.9.0 to 11.10.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8897 - Bump prometheus from 4.10.0 to 4.11.0
  • #8859 - Bump absinthe from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6
  • #8858 - Bump ex_json_schema from 0.10.1 to 0.10.2
  • #8943 - Bump postgrex from 0.17.3 to 0.17.4
  • #8939 - Bump @babel/core from 7.23.3 to 7.23.5 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8936 - Bump eslint from 8.54.0 to 8.55.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8940 - Bump photoswipe from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8938 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.3 to 7.23.5 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8935 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8937 - Bump redux from 4.2.1 to 5.0.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8942 - Bump gettext from 0.23.1 to 0.24.0
  • #8934 - Bump @fortawesome/fontawesome-free from 6.4.2 to 6.5.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8933 - Bump postcss from 8.4.31 to 8.4.32 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


4 months ago

⚠️ This release enables API v2 changes for display of every NFT instance on the owner's address (before, it was the count only). Thus, maintainer of the instance MUST check, if the query in Blockscout DB returns 0 rows:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM token_instances ti INNER JOIN tokens t ON ti.token_contract_address_hash = t.contract_address_hash WHERE ti.owner_address_hash IS NULL AND t.type='ERC-721';

If it returns 0, you're fine to apply this update without extra steps. Otherwise, you MUST set:


in order to continue with token instance DB migration. Once, this query returns 0, you can unset TOKEN_INSTANCE_OWNER_MIGRATION_ENABLED.

Features 🎉

  • #8848 - Add MainPageRealtimeEventHandler
  • #8821 - Add new events to addresses channel: eth_bytecode_db_lookup_started and smart_contract_was_not_verified
  • #8795 - Disable catchup indexer by env
  • #8768 - Add possibility to search tokens by address hash
  • #8750 - Support new eth-bytecode-db request metadata fields
  • #8634 - API v2: NFT for address
  • #8609 - Change logs format to JSON; Add endpoint url to the block_scout_web logging
  • #8558 - Add CoinBalanceDailyUpdater

Fixes 🛠️

  • #8891 - Fix average block time
  • #8869 - Limit TokenBalance fetcher timeout
  • #8855 - All transactions count at top addresses page
  • #8836 - Safe token update
  • #8814 - Improve performance for EOA addresses in /api/v2/addresses/{address_hash}
  • #8813 - Force verify twin contracts on /api/v2/import/smart-contracts/{address_hash}
  • #8784 - Fix Indexer.Transform.Addresses for non-Suave setup
  • #8770 - Fix for eth_getbalance API v1 endpoint when requesting latest tag
  • #8765 - Fix for tvl update in market history when row already exists
  • #8759 - Gnosis safe proxy via singleton input
  • #8724 - Fix flaky account notifier test

Chore 🧹

  • #8832 - Log more details in regards 413 error
  • #8807 - Smart-contract proxy detection refactoring
  • #8802 - Enable API v2 by default
  • #8742 - Merge rsk branch into the master branch
  • #8728 - Remove repos_list (default value for ecto repos) from Explorer.ReleaseTasks
Dependencies version bumps
  • #8727 - Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8748 - Bump sweetalert2 from 11.7.32 to 11.9.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8747 - Bump core-js from 3.33.1 to 3.33.2 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8743 - Bump solc from 0.8.21 to 0.8.22 in /apps/explorer
  • #8745 - Bump tesla from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0
  • #8749 - Bump sass from 1.69.4 to 1.69.5 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8744 - Bump phoenix_ecto from 4.4.2 to 4.4.3
  • #8746 - Bump floki from 0.35.1 to 0.35.2
  • #8793 - Bump eslint from 8.52.0 to 8.53.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8792 - Bump cldr_utils from 2.24.1 to 2.24.2
  • #8787 - Bump ex_cldr_numbers from 2.32.2 to 2.32.3
  • #8790 - Bump ex_abi from 0.6.3 to 0.6.4
  • #8788 - Bump ex_cldr_units from 3.16.3 to 3.16.4
  • #8827 - Bump @babel/core from 7.23.2 to 7.23.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8823 - Bump benchee from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
  • #8826 - Bump luxon from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8824 - Bump httpoison from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
  • #8828 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.23.2 to 7.23.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8825 - Bump solc from 0.8.22 to 0.8.23 in /apps/explorer

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


5 months ago

New chain types polygon_zkevm and suave have been added.

The full list of the changes

Features 🎉

  • #8717 - Save GasPriceOracle old prices as a fallback
  • #8696 - Support tokenSymbol and tokenName in /api/v2/import/token-info
  • #8673 - Add a window for balances fetching from non-archive node
  • #8651 - Add stability_fee for CHAIN_TYPE=stability
  • #8556 - Suave functional
  • #8528 - Account: add pagination + envs for limits
  • #7584 - Add Polygon zkEVM batches fetcher

Fixes 🛠️

  • #8714 - Fix sourcify check
  • #8708 - CoinBalanceHistory tab: show also tx with gasPrice & gasUsed > 0
  • #8706 - Add address name updating on contract re-verification
  • #8705 - Fix sourcify enabled flag
  • #8695 - Don't override internal transaction error if it's present already
  • #8685 - Fix db pool size exceeds Postgres max connections
  • #8678 - Fix is_verified for /addresses and /smart-contracts

Chore 🧹

  • #8715 - Rename wrapped field to requestRecord for Suave
Dependencies version bumps
  • #8683 - Bump eslint from 8.51.0 to 8.52.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8689 - Bump ex_abi from 0.6.2 to 0.6.3
  • #8682 - Bump core-js from 3.33.0 to 3.33.1 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8680 - Bump web3 from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8681 - Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.28.1 to 2.29.0 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8684 - Bump @amplitude/analytics-browser from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8679 - Bump sass from 1.69.3 to 1.69.4 in /apps/block_scout_web/assets
  • #8687 - Bump floki from 0.35.0 to 0.35.1
  • #8693 - Bump redix from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0
  • #8688 - Bump ex_doc from 0.30.7 to 0.30.9

The full list of new env variables

Variable Required Description Default Version
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_ARCHIVE_BALANCES_WINDOW Max block number gap from latest for which balances requests can be processed when ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_DISABLE_ARCHIVE_BALANCES env var is set to true. Implemented in #8673 200 v5.3.1+
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_ENABLED Enables Polygon zkEVM batches fetcher. Implemented in #7584. false v5.3.1+
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_CHUNK_SIZE The number of Polygon zkEVM batches in one chunk when reading them from RPC. Implemented in #7584. 20 v5.3.1+
INDEXER_ZKEVM_BATCHES_RECHECK_INTERVAL The latest batch rechecking interval, seconds. Implemented in #7584. 60 v5.3.1+
ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_TAGS_LIMIT Limit for address & transaction tags. Implemented in #8528. 2000 v5.3.1+
ACCOUNT_WATCHLIST_ADDRESSES_LIMIT Limit for watch list addresses. Implemented in #8528. 15 v5.3.1+

What's Changed

Full Changelog: