Bagisto Versions Save

Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform


1 month ago

:sparkles: Enhancements

  • #9547 - Revamped completed checkout flow.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #9537 - Unable to Checkout Product when Address is created from user profile and then proceed for checkout. Email is a mandatory field at checkout.

  • #9544 - 500 Internal Server error in console as Transaction Datagrid Not working.

  • #9551 - Admin End -> Sales -> Transactions Datagrid is having status row status entries UI is not appropriate and also translations is missing for Payment Method.

  • #9550 - Downloadable Product Datagrid in customer profile -> Status Row is having missing status entries.

  • #9564 - Date Filters not working in Transaction section in Admin End.

  • #9568 - In Customer Profile Reviews -> there we are able to see only 5 reviews in total, but I have approved more reviews for the same user.

  • #9567 - After applying a filter on the orders page , Sidebar Scroller should be working - Customer end.

  • #9579 - Fix issue related to moving items between the wishlist and cart with quantities.

  • #9543 - Once the user has requested for password reset, then again if user raises the request there validation message appears "We cannot find a user with that email address."


1 month ago

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #9501 - Can't Checkout

  • #9442 - Mobile view should be responsive -Front end.

  • #9462 - Logged In User Address, when address is being deleted Header is Highlighted.

  • #9489 - Type filter in product catalog not working.

  • #9500 - Price Filter is not responsive in Category Page both RTL and LTR view.

  • #9514 - Allow Image and File Upload Size is accepting any values which are entered.


2 months ago

:sparkles: Features

Data Transfer/Import

An enhanced import implementation now facilitates the rapid importation of ten thousand products in just 1-2 minutes. This improved efficiency streamlines data integration, offering businesses a quicker and more effective solution for managing extensive product catalogs and boosting operational agility.

AI Integration

We're excited to unveil a groundbreaking enhancement to your Bagisto e-commerce experience - AI Integration. This powerful addition introduces advanced capabilities that leverage artificial intelligence for various aspects of your online store.

Key Features:

  1. Content Generation:

    • Harness the power of AI to intelligently generate compelling and relevant content for your product descriptions, ensuring an engaging shopping experience.
  2. Image Generation:

    • Seamlessly generate visually stunning images using AI, enhancing your product visuals and overall aesthetics.
  3. Review Translation:

    • Break language barriers by employing AI to translate customer reviews, allowing your products to reach a global audience.
  4. Personalized Checkout Messages:

    • Enhance the checkout experience with personalized messages tailored to individual customers, creating a more intimate and customer-centric interaction.

Search & SEO

URL Rewrite

  • The URL rewrite feature in a Bagisto e-commerce store allows developers to dynamically modify the URL structure of their e-commerce store. This functionality is particularly useful for creating more user-friendly and SEO-friendly URLs, as well as for managing redirects.

Key Benefits:

  1. URL Redirects: Set up redirects from old URLs to new ones for seamless transitions.

  2. SEO Optimization: Create meaningful and keyword-rich URLs to improve search engine optimization.

Search Term Tracking for SEO and Marketing Insights

  • This feature aims to gather and record search terms used by visitors within your e-commerce store. This collected data serves multiple purposes. This functionality is valuable for several reasons, primarily for SEO enhancement and marketing insights.

Key Benefits:

  1. SEO Optimization: Now, your store can dynamically adapt to popular search queries. By analyzing and leveraging the collected search terms, we enhance content, metadata, and keyword targeting, potentially boosting your store's visibility on search engines.

  2. User Behavior Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of user search patterns. This invaluable information provides insights into user preferences, trends, and behavior, allowing you to refine your marketing strategies and optimize content accordingly.

Search Synonyms

  • you have the option to include search synonyms, which can drive traffic to your e-commerce store's products.

Key Benefits:

  1. Improved Search Relevance: Link synonyms to primary search terms for more comprehensive and relevant results.

  2. Enhanced User Experience: Offer expanded search results through synonyms, ensuring users find relevant content easily.

Other features

  • #8811 - While clicking on the view all it should be opened the separate page for new/feature products.

  • #8900 - data-grid start and end date filter.

  • #9428 - Added excel support for import.

  • #9431 - Added XLSX file support in export.

  • #9432 - Create a search bar for settings to be searched.

  • #9144 - Checkout Experience.

:sparkles: Enhancements

  • #8444 - In the theme customization, In the image carousel there should be shown image preview.

  • #8826 - It should be a loader while clicking load more button on the category page.

  • #8934 - Add to Cart button should be disable when the product is Out of Stock and we have disabled the Backorder functionality.

  • #8908 - In the channel page setting should be Maintenance mode.

  • #8945 - Condition type check in rule validator.

  • #8955 - There should be a product redirection on the mini/main cart page.

  • #8971 - Shrink the white space so the listing will be viewed properly.

  • #8978 - In RTL View, Arabic Translation, Checkout page, Price and QTY details UI need to be improved.

  • #9008 - In Shop Front -> Customer/Guest User -> Review attachment should not be a mandatory field.

  • #9018 - In Dark Theme -> Calender box should be in Dark Theme.

  • #9021 - In Configure section -> General Settings -> There we should show by default Kg as weight.

  • #9032 - Created a new user with selected newsletter subscription, In User profile again we can see that we are able to see the checkbox to subscribe for newsletter.

  • #9227 - getProductIdAttribute() does not work as expected.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #8288 - Getting an exception while using duplicate SKU in the variant product.

  • #8393 - Last option is not visible in the setting in the sidebar of admin panel.

  • #8516 - While trying to create/edit a select type attribute with image swatches. it is showing only broken images.

  • #8592 - Getting a few issues with the boolean filters.

  • #8636 - The Calendar should be shown dark in the dark theme.

  • #8673 - Select File button should be in the Dark in the Dark theme.

  • #8689 - HTML/CSS theme editor should be shown dark in the Dark theme.

  • #8733 - It continues Purchase Funnel loading and showing the errors in the console.

  • #8737 - No data found default message is missing in the report listing page.

  • #8756 - Incorrect translations used for Money Transfer payment method.

  • #8776 - Getting shimmer issue on the purchase funnel in the sales reporting.

  • #8777 - The refund section is moving right on refresh in the sales reports.

  • #8779 - Social login appears twice on the login page.

  • #8793 - Getting an error while running migrate command.

  • #8800 - Not able to remove the attribute's option while editing the related attribute from the admin panel.

  • #8801 - Not able to create a Catalog rule. it shows an exception in the console and shows a blank page for the same.

  • #8809 - Draggable functionality is not working for Attribute Options at Admin end.

  • #8816 - The remove product flash message should appear up on the mini cart drawer.

  • #8821 - First Name and Last Name, We are able to fill any data in Registration form.

  • #8822 - Category description is not working based on locales.

  • #8824 - The category visible on menu toggle button is not working.

  • #8832 - On admin panel, design option inside configure menu, checkbox not clickable

  • #8835 - Translation missing in Settings -> Roles menu -> Create roles page

  • #8838 - On the shop, in additional information options value should be shown accordingly.

  • #8851 - Warning Messages are overlapping in Home Page Header contents.

  • #8852 - Product Reviews -> Customer Profile Image is not visible if customer has applied a profile picture.

  • #8862 - The customer is receiving the refund confirmation email twice, and the invoice confirmation email is not being sent to the admin.

  • #8866 - Invoice section at the Admin end, after selecting Transaction check box responsive issue is appearing.

  • #8867 - The visitor graph should be blank if there are zero visits inside the sales/reporting.

  • #8868 - Required field section in Address are un-selected from admin end, still in Customer Address, it is processing with Mandatory Fields.

  • #8870 - Tax applied but categories are not visible.

  • #8873 - The order cancellation emails are not being sent correctly. The emails are not being sent to the intended recipients.

  • #8874 - Email Verification -> Mail is not showing User Name.

  • #8877 - After sending duplicate invoice to User, User Name is not appearing properly.

  • #8882 - the Date option Effect should be affected on mouse hover it is visible permanently.

  • #8883 - The hover effect is missing on the total sale interval option in the Dark theme.

  • #8885 - Responsive issue on Top Selling Products By Revenue Graph inside the Reporting/Products.

  • #8886 - In Customer Group pricing, Change the text "qty" to "Minimum QTY"

  • #8888 - The canceled order quantity is still visible in the pending order on product edit page.

  • #8889 - On the notification page, No record found message should be shown in Grey color in the Dark theme

  • #8890 - On the notification page, in the Dark theme selected tab underline is not visible.

  • #8892 - Today's total order and order count are not appearing on the Admin dashboard.

  • #8921 - Admin end -> Configure -> Shipping Methods and Payment Methods, Shipping and Payment Method Status and Mandatory field response is not appropriate.

  • #8927 - Duplicate Invoice mail is not sent to the customer or guest user even mail details are added.

  • #8931 - On the checkout page, without adding an address and clicking on the confirm button so get the error in the console.

  • #8932 - Channel setting section are not working.

  • #8935 - Inventory is not reducing after purchasing the downloadable product.

  • #8937 - On the Admin dashboard, in today's details, it shows two icons for negative values. it should be shown only one down arrow.

  • #8940 - On the listing page, select mode as list and change the sorting so the product image is not updating.

  • #8942 - Update the warning message in Update Exchange rate in Settings -> Exchange rates.

  • #8947 - On the cart/catalog rule create/edit page, condition fields show a validate message after entering the correct value.

  • #8951 - After selecting the shipping method change the condition. so input fields are not reset on the cart rule create/edit page.

  • #8963 - On the admin panel, the Category page is not loading.

  • #8969 - In the Cart rule there should be a date & time calendar. currently it shows only date.

  • #8970 - After adding the date in the cart rule, while editing the cart rule it shows the date fields as Text fields.

  • #8980 - Creating a customer from admin, login temporary password details are not received on the mail.

  • #8981 - Adding Future Dates in Reportings Total Sales, there in calender filter when we add future date, in console we can see 500 Internal Server Error.

  • #8982 - Translation missing in when Paypal Standard Payment Order is cancelled.

  • #8986 - Creating Cart rule with Condition on Product price in cart, the price field is showing unnecessary validation.

  • #9005 - unable to see submenu on users with limited roles.

  • #9007 - Refund Tab in shop front Customer Orders section is having translation issue.

  • #9020 - Edit any CMS page and then click on the SEO URL, it is showing 404 error.

  • #9022 - Bundle Product -> Multiselect Option -> Selected product is not highlighted in the store front product page.

  • #9030 - In Bundle Product -> Required Field is not working properly in Radio Type

  • #9031 - In Bundle Product -> Checkbox Is required is selected "NO" still validation is appearing.

  • #9049 - Italian translation is mixed with Spanish in Admin panel

  • #9064 - Calender in cart rule and Catalog rule on Special Price From/To should be as per core and dark theme calender should be dark.

  • #9401 - When editing the currency, there is no proper validation in the code field.

  • #9396 - Elastic Search is having issue related to the Price Storage. 500 Internal Server Errors are appearing in Console.

  • #9386 - Cannot save without adding data row(s) in edit theme page, especially image_carousel and services_content type.

  • #9369 - Cannot create/edit themes. For example:Slider Carousels.

  • #9368 - Validation Required for Images sizes in Products configurations in Admin Configurations.

  • #9360 - Cash on delivery payment method available when ordering only downloadable or virtual products.

  • #9343 - Unable to Add Images in Mass at configurable product Varients.

  • #9334 - Create/Edit Product -> Locale Change Dropdown should follow Alphabatical Order.

  • #9329 - Catalog Rules Active despite Set as Inactive and 'Does Not Contain' Conditions Reverting to 'Contains' in the Italian Admin Panel of Bagisto 2.0

  • #9328 - Unknown array key "it"' error when saving a new image_carousel theme without images in the Italian admin panel of Bagisto 2.0

  • #9317 - In Related Product, Cross Sell, Up Sell Product and Store Front Configurations at Admin end, Negative values and Decimal's are also accepted.

  • #9299 - RTL View -> Configurable Product -> Varient Selection dropdown arrow is having UI issue.

  • #9292 - UI issue in the Admin login and customer login button in GUI installation.

  • #9280 - UI issue in Locale Dropdown in RTL view.

  • #9275 - Unable to load JS file after running npm run Build command in shop package.

  • #9335 - When we update catalog rule then api is not workign properly

  • #9235 - Issue in updating customer profile

  • #9207 - Missing required parameter for [Route: shop.product_or_category.index]

  • #9200 - Admin menu is not display.

  • #9194 - Getting 500 Internal Server error in console when we edit a user after assigning custom roles.

  • #9192 - Edit option is not appearing in Arabic locale RTL view for Locale and Currency Settings.

  • #9189 - Admin Dashboard -> Customer details are overlapping Today's Details.

  • #9187 - Admin End, Arabic Locale -> Product Edit/Create -> Price Section is having UI issue.

  • #9189 - The product video is not playing on the product view page of the shop.

  • #9135 - Cross Sell, Up-sell and related product information is not appearing in admin end if we create or edit any product in another locale.

  • #9108 - 500 | server error when "Transactions" section being clicked on "Sales" Tab

  • #9096 - Cart Rule -> Uses per customer is consumed by the user, after again applying the coupon empty warning message is appearing.

  • #9093 - Getting Exceptional Error in Configur -> Order Settings section, when we save the data.

  • #9091 - Tax Rates -> States madatory Field is not working properly.

  • #9025 - The catalog rule and cart rule have been successfully created; however, the applied discount is not reflecting on the shop.

  • #9076 - Inventory Sources once Inactive done, we are unable to active that.

  • #9077 - Magic AI Configuration is disable, still we are able to see the Magic AI details in Categories.

  • #9399 - Error in Inserting Products with Video in the Bagisto Administrator Panel

  • #9414 - Catalog issue when select condition fixed.

  • #9415 - Unable to mass update inventory in configurable Product, Console errors are appearing.

  • #8896 - If the email verification option is enabled so Customer/Admin both are not getting successful registration messages.

  • #9448 - Image uploading issue.

  • #9442 - Mobile view should be responsive -Front end.

  • #9409 - Getting Exceptional Error in Product Preview in Admin End.

  • #9407 - Unable to mass update inventory in configurable Product, Console errors are appearing.


5 months ago

:sparkles: Features

Full Page Cache Support

  • Implemented Full Page Cache support to improve performance.

Octane Support

  • Added support of Laravel Octane to enhance application speed and efficiency.


* Added Dark theme support, providing users with the option to switch to a darker color scheme for improved visibility in 

low-light environments.


* Added Visitors graph feature, allowing users to visualize website traffic and visitor trends over time.

Sales Reports

* Added Total Sales graph feature, allowing users to visualize sales data over time.

* Introducing Purchase Funnel analytics to track customer conversion stages.

* Implemented Abandoned Carts report to monitor incomplete purchase attempts.

* Introduced Total Orders tracking feature, providing insights into overall order volumes.

* Added Average Order Value metric to help analyze customer spending habits.

* Implemented Shipping Collected report, detailing shipping revenue collected from orders.

* Added Refunds report, allowing users to track refunded orders and their values.

* Introduced Top Payment Methods feature, displaying popular payment methods used by customers.

Customer Reports

* Added Total Customers report, providing an overview of the total number of customers.

* Implemented Customers With Most Sales report, highlighting customers with the highest sales.

* Introduced Customers With Most Orders report, displaying customers with the highest order counts.

* Added customer traffic report, providing insights into customer website traffic.

* Implemented Top Customer Groups feature, showing the most active customer groups.

* Introduced Customers With Most Reviews report, displaying customers who have submitted the most product reviews.

Product Reports

* Added Sold Products Quantity report, detailing the total quantity of products sold.

* Implemented Products Added To Wishlist report, tracking products added to users' wishlists.

* Introduced Top Selling Products By Revenue report, highlighting products with the highest revenue.

* Added Top Selling Products By Quantity report, displaying products sold in the highest quantities.

* Implemented Products With Most Reviews report, showing products that received the most reviews.

* Introduced Products With Most Visits report, providing insights into products visited most frequently.

Installer Package:

* Introduced a separate installer package, providing users with a standalone tool to set up and configure the application easily through a user-friendly installation process.

* Redesigned Installer UI: Revamped the user interface of the installer for a more intuitive and visually appealing installation experience.

* Removed the **Booking Product Package**, discontinuing support for booking-related features in the application. Users will no longer be able to utilize booking functionality through this package.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #8623 [enhancement] - Footer Copyright Year Displays Previous Year Instead of Current Year

  • #8493 [enhancement] - we can remove the homepage configuration from the configuration.

  • #8443 [enhancement] - Add a tooltip for height and width for the image carousel in the theme customization.

  • #8429 [enhancement] - On the customer profile edit page it should show a dash (-) if the fields are blank.

  • #8421 [enhancement] - Not showing a message with tax included on the product page.

  • #8319 [enhancement] - If the admin user does have not permission to edit/delete other users the option should be hidden/disabled.

  • #8302 [enhancement] - On the shopping cart, the move to wishlist option should disabled or hidden for guest users.

  • #8713 [fixed] - The customer receives the shipment confirmation email twice, and the email sent to the inventory source contact address does not display the correct name.

  • #8705 [fixed] - When updating the logo from the channel settings, the change is not reflected on the shop as the new logo.

  • #8696 [fixed] - The customer is getting order confirmation mail twice.

  • #8691 [fixed] - If there is a pending order delete that product. On the admin panel order history page, it continues to load but is not able to view the listing.

  • #8675 [fixed] - On the payment method page in configuration, A few fields are not dark in the Dark theme.

  • #8671 [fixed] - Shipping title and rate input fields should be dark in the dark theme.

  • #8666 [fixed] - Should hover on the Filter button in the Dark theme.

  • #8663 [fixed] - After creating the Customer group price with the Discount price type. It does not show quantity on the product edit page.

  • #8660 [fixed] - Compatible with the admin panel calendar icon with multiple browsers.

  • #8659 [fixed] - Products are not visible on Shop if tax inclusive is enabled.

  • #8655 [fixed] - On the Admin panel review page, It should not be shown the extra (/) separator.

  • #8652 [fixed] - Increase the Clickable area of the Customer address menus.

  • #8651 [fixed] - If the image is added to the review, on the customer's review view page it shows the added image in the review instead of the product image.

  • #8649 [fixed] - Not getting phone number on customer address edit page which is saved from customer address create page.

  • #8648 [fixed] - The customer tried to date filter on the orders page, After selecting the date from the calendar the calendar redirected to the top-left for select time, and the filter drawer was closed.

  • #8643 [fixed] - On the add/edit attribute page, the Attribute options table heading should be in the Dark.

  • #8641 [fixed] - While adding the customer's address from the admin panel, I got a translation issue in the VAT ID input fields.

  • #8635 [fixed] - while creating configurable products Configurable Attribute options are going out to the option fields.

  • #8633 [fixed] - After deleting the category from mass action got a translation issue in the successfully deleted notification.

  • #8631 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while adding downloadable products to the cart from the home/listing page.

  • #8630 [fixed] - Getting UI issue in condition dropdown on the catalog rule edit page.

  • #8603 [fixed] - SQL error occurs when clicking on Print in the frontend invoice.

  • #8600 [fixed] - Getting translation issues in the sort options on the Category carousel edit page.

  • #8595 [fixed] - If the search mode is Elastic search gets an exception on product creation.

  • #8591 [fixed] - On the product page, the Filter should be highlighted if the status filter is applied.

  • #8585 [fixed] - On the currency page, the Code & name show data from each other fields.

  • #8584 [fixed] - Getting an exception while creating the catalog rule.

  • #8575 [fixed] - In the guest user review form, the Customer Name field is missing.

  • #8570 [fixed] - The edit CMS page shows multiple required messages for multiple channels. It should show the single required message for the required field.

  • #8560 [fixed] - If the guest user review is disabled still able to give a review on the products.

  • #8559 [fixed] - Product image count should be shown if the image is added one or more.

  • #8558 [fixed] - Configuration options in the attribute creation form are not updating from the edit attribute page.

  • #8556 [fixed] - Is required option in the attribute creation form is not working on the edit attribute page.

  • #8555 [fixed] - In the mobile view, Language and currency options are not visible on the header menu navigation bar.

  • #8546 [fixed] - Getting a translation issue in adding an attachment on the product review page.

  • #8534 [fixed] - Getting image size and default image text issue in the grouped/bundle product image.

  • #8528 [fixed] - Variant images should be visible in the image view container on the product view page on Shop.

  • #8527 [fixed] - Not showing checkbox options in the edit attribute page.

  • #8525 [fixed] - While adding content in the text area attribute in the product creation/edition and getting HTML tags of the text on Shop.

  • #8511 [fixed] - On the listing page, From page 2 onward select 50 or other options per page, It should be shown a listing accordingly.

  • #8509 [fixed] - Getting an exception while entering duplicate attribute code in the attribute creation form.

  • #8497 [fixed] - After defining the image/file attribute upload size from the configuration it shows a blank page and has an error in the console on the edit/create product page.

  • #8496 [fixed] - Default list mode is not working.

  • #8495 [fixed] - In the category page on sorting, by default option is visible 12. It should be shown the lowest value that is saved from the admin panel configuration.

  • #8493 [fixed] - we can remove the homepage configuration from the configuration.

  • #8491 [fixed] - Not working product carousel limit in the theme customization.

  • #8485 [fixed] - Getting error while changing admin locale from the env file.

  • #8482 [fixed] - On the locale page in the Admin panel, the table headings show in the column.

  • #8480 [fixed] - Getting customers to delete issues in the user role.

  • #8464 [fixed] - Only Image extensions should be accepted in the add image option of theme customization.

  • #8457 [fixed] - The required message is missing in the product carousel's title field.

  • #8456 [fixed] - Getting an exception while disabling the footer link from the theme.

  • #8454 [fixed] - Sort-order fields should not accept negative values in the theme.

  • #8452 [fixed] - In the theme customization, limit fields should not accept negative values.

  • #8450 [fixed] - On the shop, arrowheads should be visible while the slider has two or more.

  • #8447 [fixed] - The add slider should be clickable in the image carousel on the admin panel.

  • #8445 [fixed] - While adding a slider image, image fields are required still I'm still able to add a slider without an image.

  • #8431 [fixed] - Getting translation issue on the bottom of the customer registration form.

  • #8430 [fixed] - Getting spacing issue between message and email on the customer profile edit page.

  • #8426 [fixed] - Create/Edit category, product mode is set to product only, the description is still required.

  • #8424 [fixed] - If the field is required it should be shown in the asterisk sign (*).

  • #8419 [fixed] - Shipping methods title should be required.

  • #8414 [fixed] - Getting an exception on the shop while replacing the sort order of image carousel and static content (Offer Information).

  • #8410 [fixed] - Getting an exception while trying to add an additional image in the image slider from the admin panel for the carousel.

  • #8408 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the order shipped mail subject.

  • #8403 [fixed] - Getting image size issue in the category carousel on the Shop.

  • #8402 [fixed] - While deleting the admin user him/herself got errors in the console.

  • #8401 [fixed] - While creating an Admin user so getting translation issues in success notification.

  • #8391 [fixed] - Getting errors in the console while creating tax.

  • #8390 [fixed] - Getting an error in the console on the payment method page in the Admin panel.

  • #8385 [fixed] - Getting translation issue while entering the wrong password in the Admin user deletion form.

  • #8378 [fixed] - Not able to delete the category.

  • #8372 [fixed] - Enable the toggle button and it is showing the required message.

  • #8371 [fixed] - Flat rate shipping is not working according to Admin configuration.

  • #8367 [fixed] - Wishlist sharing option is not working.

  • #8360 [fixed] - Lines in a Street Address option are not working in the registered user address create/edit form.

  • #8358 [fixed] - If the fields are required asterisk sign is still missing on the shipping origin form.

  • #8357 [fixed] - Custom CSS and JS functionality should work on the shop only.

  • #8356 [fixed] - The compare option is disabled from the admin panel it is still showing on the shop.

  • #8355 [fixed] - Image search functionality is not working.

  • #8353 [fixed] - The image search option is disabled still, it is showing in the search bar.

  • #8351 [fixed] - Getting an error in the console while opening the wishlist page.

  • #8347 [fixed] - While deleting the customer profile, the page loads without entering the current password and shows the wrong password notification.

  • #8345 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while updating the password and entering the wrong password in the current password field.

  • #8343 [fixed] - The date of Birth field is missing in the customer edit profile form.

  • #8342 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while the customer updating the profile.

  • #8341 [fixed] - Getting issues in the customer image on the edit profile page.

  • #8340 [fixed] - If the user has not selected the subscribe option, still it is subscribed on the customer registration form.

  • #8332 [fixed] - Getting translation issues while deleting the channel.

  • #8330 [fixed] - Not deleting the added image in the locale.

  • #8328 [fixed] - Image/File attribute values should be downloadable in the shop on the additional information tab.

  • #8327 [fixed] - Getting an exception while creating an attribute and using space in the attribute code.

  • #8324 [fixed] - Getting image size and default image text issue on the added products in the related, cross, and upsell.

  • #8323 [fixed] - The product listing page does not show the correct quantity count.

  • #8320 [fixed] - While the admin user trying to delete him/herself, getting an error in the console

  • #8316 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the delete button tooltip in the admin user listing page.

  • #8314 [fixed] - While editing the Admin user, it shows the Confirm Password not matching notification.

  • #8313 [fixed] - The image field is required to be able to create without adding an image in the admin user create from.

  • #8312 [fixed] - Getting an exception while editing the Channel

  • #8307 [fixed] - Theme options should be active after installation.

  • #8304 [fixed] - Clicking on remove or move to wishlist option without selecting a product. it is showing a successful notification.

  • #8290 [fixed] - In Category, the filterable attribute options are not updating.

  • #8282 [fixed] - Getting an exception while changing the locale on the shop.

  • #8281 [fixed] - Should be shown the default image if the image is not added in the locale.

  • #8279 [fixed] - On the Admin panel, Added image is not visible while editing the locale.

  • #8278 [fixed] - Not working delete attachment option while customer giving review.

  • #8274 [fixed] - Getting errors in the console. Giving a review a second time on the same product.

  • #8273 [fixed] - The root category is visible in the category carousel on the homepage.

  • #8272 [fixed] - Not showing category image on the homepage.

  • #8270 [fixed] - On the Shop, the Sample is not added still it is showing the option to download the sample in the downloadable product.

  • #8268 [fixed] - Not showing product video on the product page on the shop.

  • #8267 [fixed] - On the edit attribute page, not updating the configuration options.

  • #8266 [fixed] - On the Product create/edit page, there are no options to add details for image/file attributes.

  • #8261 [fixed] - Not showing product and description on the category page in Shop.

  • #8257 [fixed] - Getting an error in the console while deleting the email template.

  • #8254 [fixed] - Not working autogenerated coupons functionality in the cart rule.

  • #8253 [fixed] - Prefix/Suffix code should not be a required field in the automatically generated cart rule coupons.

  • #8251 [fixed] - The Phone input field is not a required field in the customer create/edit form.

  • #8249 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in notification while Admin trying to log in the inActive user.

  • #8247 [fixed] - While creating a customer from the admin panel, it shows a duplicate customer group selects an option.

  • #8245 [fixed] - Customer log-in from the admin panel is redirected to the same tab.

  • #8244 [fixed] - Cancel order by Admin notification is not showing properly.

  • #8242 [fixed] - Configurable parent product quantity status showing out of stock

  • #8238 [fixed] - Getting image size and default image text issue in the variant product image.

  • #8235 [fixed] - Getting an exception on the dashboard after deleting the products with mass delete action.

  • #8234 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the Attribute.

  • #8230 [fixed] - Placeholder is missing in the input fields.

  • #8228 [fixed] - Slug is not updating. it is taking the previous slug.

  • #8226 [fixed] - The input validation field should be shown according to the selected attribute type.

  • #8224 [fixed] - Not showing the selected option in the display mode of the root category in the admin panel.

  • #8221 [fixed] - Getting an exception on the shop after installation.

  • #8207 [fixed] - Not getting selected price type in the customer group price on the product edit page.

  • #8206 [fixed] - Not getting input value in the price of the customer group price in the edit product page.

  • #8195 [fixed] - After performing mass action, mass selection should disappear from the product page on the admin panel.

  • #8190 [fixed] - On the admin panel, getting duplicate email title names in the send duplicate invoice pop-up.

  • #8190 [fixed] - Getting duplicate tax heading of the tax in the invoice on the Admin panel.

  • #8183 [fixed] - Not generating slug of the category while creating a new category.

  • #8180 [fixed] - Getting 404 not found error while creating customer group discount.

  • #8179 [fixed] - All groups option is missing in customer group discount.

  • #8178 [fixed] - In the Order History on the admin panel, Find an extra filter as an image.

  • #8174 [fixed] - Not working filter in the order history page in the admin panel.

  • #8172 [fixed] - If the listing page is blank still it is exporting it should be shown the notification as nothing to export.

  • #8170 [fixed] - Unable to apply a filter on customers with gender, address count, order count, and revenue

  • #8169 [fixed] - Datagrid improvements and bugs

  • #8168 [fixed] - Catalog Rule validation issue

  • #8167 [fixed] - Unable to create new category due to validation issue from the backend admin panel

  • #8166 [fixed] - Chart not updating after date filter

  • #8165 [fixed] - Internal server error on console during a fresh installation

  • #8164 [fixed] - The loader has to be shown after clicking on the place order button

  • #8163 [fixed] - Product filter should be working properly

  • #8162 [fixed] - Not able to disable guest checkout

  • #8160 [fixed] - Unable to update default attribute from the admin panel

  • #8159 [fixed] - Configuration is not updating

  • #8158 [fixed] - Unable to edit User in admin panel

  • #8157 [fixed] - Not able to save tax configuration

  • #8156 [fixed] - Getting error in installation with prefix.

  • #8155 [fixed] - Translation issue in configuration

  • #8152 [fixed] - Not able to save cms pages

  • #8151 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in forget password page for not found email.

  • #8146 [fixed] - Getting translation issue in the forget password page.

  • #8077 [fixed] - If there is no content in the stock threshold it is not showing simulation.

  • #8075 [fixed] - Getting an error while installing the Bagisto v2.x with a single command

  • #8071 [fixed] - If the navigation collapses, the customer icon becomes small in the overall details on the admin panel.


7 months ago

User Interface Enhancements:

  • Completely revamped the visual appearance of both the admin and shop sections, introducing fresh new themes.

  • Applied a modern and stylish theme to the admin section, elevating the user interface and overall user experience.

  • Transformed the shop section with a modern theme, delivering an improved user interface and shopping experience.

  • Reimagined key elements such as product pages, category listings, cart pages, compare pages, the review section, mini-cart, and checkout process, creating a seamless and cohesive shopping journey.

Styling and Framework Updates:

  • Integrated Tailwind CSS: We've migrated our styling approach from traditional CSS to the powerful Tailwind CSS framework, resulting in a more utility-first and responsive design system.

  • Blade Components Integration: Our application now features Blade components for enhanced UI rendering.

  • Reusable Blade Components: Introducing a new set of reusable Blade components, providing extensive customization options.

Development and Tooling Improvements:

  • Added a Vite configuration file (vite.config.js) to streamline project setup with Vite.

  • Leveraged Vite's features for faster development and efficient module handling.

  • Implemented customized data grids for improved data visualization and interaction.

  • Enhanced filter functionality, enabling refined data exploration.

  • Introduced advanced filter options for users to narrow down data based on multiple criteria.

  • Added a Mega Search feature to the admin panel for enhanced data discovery.

  • Restructured the controllers directory, grouping related controllers for better code organization.

  • Improved code recoverability by moving controllers into more appropriate subdirectories.

Code Refactoring and Cleanup:

  • Enhanced separation of concerns by aligning data-grids with their respective views and sections.

  • Improved Blade files to better match the views or functionalities they serve.

  • Refined routes based on their corresponding Blade files.

  • Improved route URLs based on directory structure.

  • Restructured the language files to enhance localization management.

  • Organized language files hierarchically, corresponding to their respective views.

Simplification and Dependencies:

  • Custom CSS Stylesheets Removed: As part of our transition to Tailwind CSS, we have phased out custom CSS stylesheets, simplifying our codebase and reducing style management complexity.

  • Vue.js Components Replaced: In this release, we've replaced Vue.js components with Blade components.

  • Removed unnecessary webpack-related dependencies from package.json.

  • Deleted webpack.config.js, as it is no longer needed with the Vite setup.


11 months ago

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed performance issue which is caused due to the translatable model class.

  • Fixed exceptions in the search method.


11 months ago

:sparkles: Features

  • #7100 - The count of selected items should be visible if the user is performing the mass action.

  • #7157 - Ability to drag product image to upload.

  • #6972 - Compare product page can be enhanced.

  • #7202 - There should be an option for upload category banner.

  • #7182 - The sub-categories should be visible on the product list page.

  • #7139 - Add customer loging to the admin panel.

  • #7096 - Add decimal to currency.

:sparkles: Enhancements

  • #7426 - We can use (-) icon in Coupon Code Column.

  • #7402 - Multiple Photos are Added on the Velocity page.

  • #7449 - By default, the placeholder value should be selected for the filter dropdown.

  • #7208 - There should be an arrow icon if the customer is trying to filter the orders by status.

  • #7191 - The Product listing page should be improved.

  • #7189 - The shadow of the subcategory is overriding on the parent category.

  • #3454 - Shipping rules at checkout.

  • #7185 - The table headers should be fixed in admin panel.

  • #7196 - The Checkboxes should be enhanced in dark theme in admin panel.

  • #6771 - The page should be redirected to the product-view page after clicking on the product's name

  • #6838 - Invoice design can be enhanced.

  • #6987 - Add tool tip on calendar and table icons on bookings in admin panel.

  • #6913 - There should be default image for the Locale in the store front.

  • #6729 - The SKU should be visible if the admin is adding any product to the bundle product.

  • #6835 - The discount information should be visible properly on the order information page.

  • #7314 - The page should be redirected to the write-review page if the user is clicking on "Be the first to write a review".

  • #7194 - Login as customer icon should be change in the admin panel.

  • #6893 - Ukrainian localisation for all apps does not exist.

  • #6895 - Localisation of Admin app does not exist.

  • #6810 - Updates : New issue templates using .yml instead of .md hammer_and_wrench.

  • #6744 - There should be a mouse-hover effect for the admin submenu in the dark theme.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #7532 - It is showing exception while entering duplicate SKU in the configure product.

  • #7523 - If the product name is not added name with other language it should be shown as default language on the homepage while selecting other languages.

  • #7522 - In other language, it is showing null instead of product name in the bundle product's options on the Product page.

  • #7520 - In the French language, it is showing (') code view shopping cart in mini cart.

  • #7521 - Not showing dropdown sign in the filter at customer end.

  • #7410 - I am adding more than 4 products in the related and cross-sell bar in the product and on the homepage in the product page it is showing only 4 products.

  • #7397 - The filter options are not in proper alignment in the mobile view. if the user is trying to filter products on the products listing page.

  • #7518 - Not able to delete the auto generated coupon.

  • #7492 - It is showing exception While removing the image and file attribute values and save the product.

  • #7079 - QTY check should be applied on the simple product which are added in Group Product.

  • #6849 - UI issue on shop by category page in Arabic locale.

  • #7507 - For the guest users single page checkout is not working without clicking on ship to this address.

  • #7216 - The configurable product price is visible as 0 on the home page.

  • #7475 - While creating an attribute group in attribute family in the admin. It is adding the group but the container not removing.

  • #7432 - The write-review option should not be visible on product card if Allow Guest Review is disabled.

  • #7332 - The wishlist and compare options should not be visible if they disabled by the admin.

  • #7230 - Sorting should be work only after clicking on the tax of table header.

  • #7180 - By default 12 should be selected in the item per page dropdown on the products listing page.

  • #6709 - Undefined array key "sort".

  • #7422 - Generate Automatically Date and Time.

  • #7397 - The filter options are not in proper alignment in the mobile view. if the user is trying to filter products on the products listing page.

  • #7452 - In Checkout Page, after address change we are able to place order without selecting the Select Shipping Method.

  • #7371 - On the admin panel in the Attribute family set the aligment of the name and type column.

  • #7370 - Calendar should be same for new or edit the customer from admin panel.

  • #7329 - Exchange rate endpoint API has been updated...

  • #7273 - Layered navigation filters not working .

  • #7244 - shop.js Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'protocol')

  • #7284 - Category slug is getting updated if you are only providing translation for another enabled locale.

  • #7476 - While auto generating the cart coupon is not showing correct notification.

  • #7450 - Search By Category Option is not visible On Mobile.

  • #7417 - The inactive products should not be visible on the product view page.

  • #7419 - It is taking the current date as the date range. if the date range is not selected for the cart rule.

  • #7360 - In Mobile view-> on the admin panel, It is hiding the velocity Title in the velocity page.

  • #7264 - Duplicate Address Creating in checkout page.

  • #7136 - UI issue in mobile inspect and Desktop view -> Configurable product variants add section.

  • #7467 - The count of cart items should not be visible in mobile view if the cart is empty.

  • #7466 - On the homepage -> in the header option, currency sign is missing in the mobile view.

  • #7464 - Customer -> Lines in a Street Address option is not working.

  • #7459 - Variants quantity field is not in dark mode.

  • #7442 - There should be a warning message if the admin is adding invalid date range for catalog rule.

  • #7420 - Back icon is not working after clicking on add campaign button.

  • #7407 - In the admin panel, review saved notification is not showing proper.

  • #7395 - Elastic search is not working properly in the product search bar of the Grouped,Bundle products on the admin panel.

  • #7394 - Getting exception while trying to create configurable product.

  • #7383 - In the Bundle product it is accepting bundle product and grouped product.

  • #7381 - On the checkout page, If I removed product from the cart it should redirect to cart page from checkout page.

  • #7375 - No need to show BUY NOW button in the Booking product.

  • #7363 - In the velocity metadata option the channels and language option should be in the center same as the title.

  • #7356 - It should not hide the menu options in the admin panel.

  • #6989 - No Events details are overlapping at bookings in admin panel.

  • #7368 - The inactive email template should not be listed in the email-template dropdown if the admin is creating the campaigns email template.

  • #7364 - On the admin panel, Capitalize each words of the title in the velocity page.

  • #7361 - In the category sub-division sign is not in the center.

  • #7358 - While filtering dashboard sales and The month option should be dark in the Dark theme.

  • #7355 - It should not took extra spacing in the homepage after enabled toggle.

  • #7354 - Products are not listed on the home page if elastic search enable.

  • #7331 - Mouse hover on category to reach child category is not suffecient hover in right side.

  • #7330 - It is not showing page content of child category.

  • #7190 - The Advertisement images are stretching in mobile view.

  • #7170 - Getting exception while trying create refund.

  • #6743 - The blank dropdown is showing on the shop by category section if there are no categories for any locale.

  • #7346 - Unable to export a datagrid from an extension.

  • #7201 - The applied tax-category should be selected if the admin is trying to edit any variant.

  • #7200 - The tax is not applied if the customer is selecting the saved address on the checkout page.

  • #7181 - Validation Issue when editing Or creating new address.

  • #7171 - The date filter should be in the top right corner in the dashboard.

  • #7320 - There should be a trash icon instead if wishlist icon on the wishlist page.

  • #7281 - The quantity box should be disabled if there is no quantity available on the selected inventory.

  • #7286 - The product images are stretching in product listing page.

  • #7177 - Getting the blank page if trying to edit the product.

  • #7067 - Getting exception after run composer update.

  • #7217 - The submit button should be slightly down of comment box if the admin is sending the message to the customer.

  • #7295 - Flash message should be appearing if admin is trying to login with invalid credentials.

  • #7283 - getDefaultChannelLocaleCode() is undefined.

  • #7235 - The admin should not be able the edit the disabled fields by inspect element.

  • #7227 - Missing update password notification.

  • #7178 - The country in not visible in shipping and billing address.

  • #7276 - UI issue if the customer is trying filter the products by price filter on mobile view.

  • #7203 - Getting the exception while enabling the Share in Pinterest from the backend.

  • #7161 - The counting of wishlist and compare products should be visible over the compare and wishlist icon in the top right corner.

  • #7206 - UI issue on the velocity home page.

  • #7072 - Dark Mode Name should be used.

  • #6991 - Mobile view UI issue in booking product creating and editing them. Same slots all days, slot details.

  • #7137 - There should be warning message if the user is trying add the product to cart for which Visible Individually is disabled.

  • #6953 - The add to cart should be disabled if the Bundle product is out of stock.

  • #6823 - The product's image is cropped in mobile view in wishlist page.

  • #6756 - The customer should not be able to view the product if the Visible Individually is disabled.

  • #7160 - Counting of cart item is wrong.

  • #7080 - Add Option button should shift downward for adding a new option in Bundle Product.

  • #7154 - Getting exception while trying to access the shop.

  • #7142 - vue-cal calendar view issue.

  • #6759 - The filters are not working on the shop by category page .

  • #7128 - Event Product UI issue in the ticket description.

  • #7113 - Special price is visible on shop after expired.

  • #7104 - The products is visible in all channels if assigned for only one channel.

  • #7097 - Getting exception while the customer is trying to reset password.

  • #7085 - Change the language code of bengali.

  • #6739 - There should not be any translation issue when the admin is creating the product.

  • #7119 - Translation issue on sitemap in admin panel.

  • #7091 - Allignment should be in straight line in Bundle Product Name text.

  • #6840 - Need Space in Product details in Category List View.

  • #6767 - The address sequence should be correct on the checkout page.

  • #6985 -Getting the UI issue if admin is trying to view bookings.

  • #6976 - The configurable product is showing Out of stock if all the variants are available.

  • #6797 - Translation issue on footer section in default there.

  • #6793 - There should be a proper space between the cross and wishlist icon on the compare product's page.

  • #6765 - Cart item image have issue when child image not uploaded.

  • #6959 - Translation issue on the export model box in the admin panel in Arabic locale.

  • #6841 - Product price should be bold in Compare Similar Items page

  • #6782 - Remove unnecessary labels while shoring the table in the admin panel.

  • #6779 - UI issue on the trash and wishlist icons on the cart page in mobile view.

  • #6778 - Clear all text should be in the center of the filter liable if the customer is trying to filter the orders.

  • #6777 - The placeholder is overriding the search icon in the search box on the customer orders page.

  • #6776 - Translation issue with per Page filter on the customer's order page.

  • #6775 - The cart summary should be on the left side of the billing address on the checkout page.

  • #6770 - The inactive and out-of-stock products are also visible on the search result if the admin is adding products on group and bundle product.

  • #6757 - The footer middle content should be visible on the velocity theme.

  • #6753 - The cart summary should be on the left side of the order summary on the checkout page.

  • #6749 - On Customer end other locale PDF is not translated properly.

  • #6747 - There is a translation issue if the customer is creating/editing the address.

  • #6955 - The validation error should be just below of forget password in mobile view.

  • #6926 - Alignment of the Table Heading is not appropriate in Catalog Section.

  • #6922 - The Edit Category Page is not responsive in mobile view.

  • #6917 - Translation issue on the shopping cart page in the hindi locale.

  • #6914 - The CMS Pages section is not responsive in mobile view.

  • #6908 - Guest welcome message translation missing in mobile view.

  • #6907 - The customer order's view page is not responsive in mobile view.

  • #6905 - The warning message should be visible if the admin is trying to create shipping with an invalid product's quantity.

  • #6900 - Not able to update product quantity from the products table.

  • #6898 - Record per page option is not visible in mobile, if the customer is trying to shop by category.

  • #6860 - The product's weight can not be in a negative value.

  • #6844 - The orders status should be highlighted on the customer's Downloadable Products.

  • #6880 - The product's name should be visible properly in quick view.

  • #6886 - The locale dropdown should be just the right side of the channel's dropdown on the product's page in mobile view.

  • #6813 - There is a translation issue on the product's view page. if tax includes any product.

  • #6957 - Translation issue on the customers order section in the arabic locale.

  • #6761 - Order table blank on customer's panel. If the currency is deleted by the admin in which the order is created.

  • #6755 - There should not be any warning if the admin is creating the catalog rule with the product's name.

  • #6738 - The advertisement images should be clickable on the home page.

  • #6892 - Couple of missed translations in RU localisation for Shop app.

  • #6884 - The countries are not listed in the country dropdown while the customer is adding the billing address on the checkout page.

  • #6873 - The product should not be out of stock if the quantity is available in the product inventory.

  • #6814 - Mobile View -> Product Special Price Default Text and Calendar Icon UI Issue.

  • #6864 - The Refund, cancel and ship buttons should be slightly down of order id on the invoice page on in mobile view.

  • #6889 - Russian Language Translation Issue - Main Cart - Remove All Items.

  • #6820 - UI Issue -> Mobile Inspect View -> Customer Group Price adding details in price section is having less Space.

  • #6799 - The warning message should be meaningful if the inactive user is trying to place an order.

  • #6861 - Grammer issue / Spelling mistakes in

  • #6822 - The invoice table should be responsive in customer panel on mobile view.

  • #6780 - The checkbox should be just below the input box on the checkout page.

  • #7133 - UI issue in the Event Booking Product Tickets section after validation message appears.

  • #7117 - Overlapping of cross icon in Search bar in customer profile.

  • #7188 - Performance - Dashboard Controller.

  • #7103 - Admin Dash has way too many queries.

  • #7105 - In Arabic Translation, RTL view, table content should also be in RTL.

  • #6821 - The add page button should be slightly right side in the mobile view.

  • #6750 - The cart summary should be on the left side of the product's details.

  • #6745 - The admin should be able to Approve/disapprove the guest customers review.

  • #6735 - In Mobile product showing only on click.

  • #6723 - ui-kit route hide or block using configuration.

  • #6703 - Cms pages datagrid not diplay any rows when Change locale.


1 year ago

:sparkles: Enhancements

  • #6690 - Mass update option should be available for the categories section.

  • #6689 - There should be a proper UI for categories in the shop if there are sub0category of any category.

  • #6685 - There should be an option to filter the suspended customer. in the admin panel.

  • #6646 - The actual and special prices both should be visible if there is any special price for a configurable product.

  • #6345 - Invoice Design Can Be Enhanced

  • #6394 - The page should focus on the warning message if the customer is trying book the product without selecting the required fields.

  • #1929 - Actual product amount and discounted amount both should display.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #6732 - Getting exception if the customer is trying to move product from cart to wishlist

  • #6725 - The category should not be updated for all locales if the admin is updating the category for any specific locale.

  • #6705 - The filter value should be correct if the admin is trying to filter products by the status filter.

  • #6699 - The sale icon should be visible if there is any special price for a configurable product.

  • #6697 - The add button should be hidden from view page if the user has no permission to create.

  • #6687 - There is an exception while the admin is updating the Velocity meta data

  • #6686 - The notification should be visible in the admin panel if the order status is pending payment.

  • #6679 - The admin is not able to create the catalog rule for the configurable product, with SKU condition type

  • #6668 - The back button should work if the customer is adding a new address on the checkout page.

  • #6366 - The product's image is adjusted when the user is trying to view any product.


1 year ago

:sparkles: Features

  • #5584 - there should be an feature so that when we click on mark as read , notification box should close.

  • #5463 - there should be a button so that we should clear all filters.

:sparkles: Enhancements

  • Optimized product

  • Optimized cart

  • Refactored code

  • #6556 - Cart Rule -. Validation should be applied in Coupon Code uses per customer and used per coupon section.

  • #6555 - Cart Rule - Auto Generate Coupon Code details at bottom must not visible when we switch to Manual Coupon Code.

  • #6501 - Cart item prices rounded with precision of 2 resulting in rounding errors after applying taxes.

  • #6494 - The product's URL_KEY should not be changed if the admin is editing the product's name for another locale.

  • #6464 - UI - In Table Booking Product, Special Request/Notes must be in Bold for Main Cart.

  • #6458 - There should be the validations for the input fields if the admin is trying to create catalog rules.

  • #6452 - The page should be open on the next tab when the admin is trying to view the CMS pages.

  • #6427 - The mouse property should be not-allowed if the cart is empty. in default theme.

  • #6426 - The warning message should be correct if the admin is trying to ship the invalid product quantity.

  • #6417 - There should be a flash message [ Coupan is already applied ] if the user is trying to apply the same coupon multiple times.

  • #6408 - The name of the applied filters should be meaningful if the customer is trying to filter the orders.

  • #6393 - The page should not be refreshed if the customer is trying to apply the same coupon multiple times.

  • #6371 - There should be a flash message for customers when the cart rule is applied on the checkout page.

  • #6358 - Unable to see any notification on Coupon Applied on the Checkout Page.

  • #6355 - There should be a preview option in the CMS pages table.

  • #6327 - Add Missing Language Folder In All Package

  • #6273 - There should be a tooltip message, after copying the wishlist share link

  • #5801 - Maximum video uploading size should be mentioned when we create product.

  • #5464 - there should be an image icon of user profile image.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #6545 - The admin should be able to create transactions only with the Grand Total amount of the order.

  • #6406 - Discount should be shown only for the product for which we created a catalog rule.

  • #6312 - The billing address should not be saved multiple times, if the customer is clicking on save address checkbox in multiple times.

  • #6654 - The size of the image card should be fixed. on the home page.

  • #6644 - Trimming should be added for the search string.

  • #6640 - There should not be any alert box if the admin is trying to filter the products.

  • #6635 - The page should not be redirected to the wishlist page when the customer removes any product from the wishlist.

  • #6632 - There add to cart and the wishlist button are adjusting if the customer is trying to view any product.

  • #6609 - The wishlist should not get empty after deleting the all product of the second-page wishlist.

  • #6606 - The admin should be able to upload and remove the product's image.

  • #6558 - The cross icon should be just before the calendar icon if the customer is trying to select the appointment date for booking the product.

  • #6554 - The discount amount cannot be greater than 100 if the action type is the Percentage of the product.

  • #6547 - The product video should be played properly if any.

  • #6518 - The admin should be able to update the product's status by mass action.

  • #6514 - The save as category button should not be clicked automatically if the admin is pressing the enter key for the searching product.

  • #6509 - There is an exception if the admin is trying to search products from the category page.

  • #6507 - Notification url is broken when admin_url is changed.

  • #6505 - The model box should be in the center of the page if the user is clicking on Quick view for any produt.

  • #6492 - There is a UI issue if the user is trying to view the compared products in Arabic locale.

  • #6485 - The trash icon should be on the right side of the text if the user is trying to view the shopping cart in the Arabic locale.

  • #6484 - The admin is not able to logout on the mobile view.

  • #6479 - The position of the top bar should be fixed if the customer is trying to view any order in mobile view.

  • #6471 - UI Issue - In Customer Profile Edit option, there we can see the Calendar Logo at DOB is inappropriate.

  • #6469 - Translation Issue in the Configure Section related to Number.

  • #6463 - There should not be an exception if the admin is trying to add a new variant for the configurable product.

  • #6461 - There should not be any warning message for the default empty option if the admin is trying to create/edit any attribute.

  • #6459 - Only the review should be deleted which the user wants to delete.

  • #6453 - The new customer is not able to login properly when the another user is logging out.

  • #6447 - There should not be an exception if the customer is trying to add that product to the wishlist which is deleted by the admin.

  • #6444 - The page should be redirected to the login page if the guest user is trying to move products from compare to wishlist.

  • #6443 - The height of Add to cart button should be a little less on compare page.

  • #6442 - The products should be in proper alignment if there are multiple products in the compare list.

  • #6441 - The customer should be able to share the wishlist product if the share link is already generated.

  • #6434 - There should not be any translation issue in the checkout page, if the customer is trying to place an order.

  • #6430 - The admin should not be able to create a transaction for an invoice with the incorrect Transaction amount

  • #6429 - The user should not be able to add products into the cart with 0 quantity.

  • #6425 - The sidebar submenu dropdown icon should be shown properly if the admin is changing the English from LTR to RTL.

  • #6423 - The order status should be shown properly in the admin panel. if the status of the order is payment pending.

  • #6419 - There is an exception if the admin is trying to add transactions for any invoice.

  • #6407 - The user should not be able to place the order if the user is inactive.

  • #6402 - Only the address should be deleted which the user wants to delete.

  • #6401 - There is no option to view compare items for guests.

  • #6400 - The success message should not be shown multiple times if the user is trying to remove the applied coupon.

  • #6397 - The should not be an exception if the guest is trying to log in after deleting all the cart items.

  • #6390 - The radio button should be toggle only after clicking on the radio button's in admin panel

  • #6389 - The share wishlist and delete button should not overlap the sidebar in mobile view.

  • #6386 - The Products Ordered label should be highlighted if there is an error, while the admin is trying to create a ship for the order in dark mode.

  • #6385 - There should be a search icon if the customer is trying to search the orders.

  • #6384 - The product's image should not be out of the product card if the user is trying to view products in list mode.

  • #6370 - At least one shipping and payment method should be available.

  • #6369 - The product images are overriding if there are multiple products in the cart.

  • #6368 - There should be an option to update the cart if the customer is adding downloadable and simple products into the cart.

  • #6366 - The product's image is adjusted when the user is trying to view any variant of the configurable product

  • #6365 - The bullet symbol should be visible if the user is trying to change the product's image in a quick view popup box.

  • #6364 - The warning message should be correct when the condition is not matching with cart rule while the user is applying a coupon.

  • #6362 - There should be some space between the share and delete buttons on the wishlist page.

  • #6349 - The filter value should be correct if the admin is trying to filter the customers by the status filter

  • #6346 - There should not be any extra space between the update cart and the delete all items button, on the shopping cart page.

  • #6344 - The calendar icon is not showing when the admin is trying to filter the orders by date in dark mode.

  • #6341 - There is some extra space between the product image and add to cart button in the mobile view

  • #6340 - By default maximum price should be selected if the user is trying to filter a product by price filter.

  • #6339 - The Add to cart button should not be disabled if any one product is inactive of the group product.

  • #6335 - The translation is missing for slot dropdown if the user is trying to book any product

  • #6334 - The quantity field should not take a negative value if the admin is trying to edit the quantity

  • #6333 - The country dropdown should be in the Ascending order when the customer is adding the delivery address on the checkout page.

  • #6332 - The calendar Icon should be on the left side of the input box in the Arabic locale when the customer is editing the profile.

  • #6331 - The location and the calendar Icon should be slightly right side in the Arabic locale when the customer is trying to book any product.

  • #6324 - The warning message should be correct if the admin is trying to upload an invalid image format for the profile image.

  • #6319 - The calendar icon is in the center of the input box. if the customer is trying to book the product.

  • #6318 - The add to cart button should be in proper alignment inside the compare page.

  • #6317 - The page should be redirected to the product view page. if the user clicks on the product image inside the mini cart.

  • #6313 - The warning message should be correct if the customer is selecting the PayPal Smart Button payment method with an invalid country code

  • #6288 - The delete button is overriding on share button if the customer is trying to view the wishlist products on mobile view.

  • #6277 - Checkout redirects when a carrier has more than one shipping method

  • #6276 - The product's image should be visible properly in mobile view.

  • #6271 - There should not be any warning message if the user is trying to book a rental product for multiple hours.


1 year ago

:sparkles: Features

  • #6213 - Command For Bagisto Publish

  • #6197 - Link to frontend from admin product list or product detail page

  • #6190 - Give option to enable WYSIWYG editor in configuration

  • #5376 - There should be an option to remove all cart items at once

:sparkles: Enhancements

  • #6294 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the admin is trying to mark all notifications as read.

  • #6289 - Improvement on products listing

  • #6285 - The dashboard cards are not clickable

  • #6283 - When the user is trying to view the mini cart then Product Quantity Looks like as a minus value

  • #6269 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the customer is trying to change the app currency & locale

  • #6259 - The color of View All Notifications should be blue on the mouseover in admin panel

  • #6243 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the admin is trying to drag the product image while editing any product

  • #6241 - There should be checkboxes inside the status dropdown if the user is trying to filter orders with multiple statuses

  • #6229 - The mouse property should be a pointer when the user is trying to sort the table by tables header.

  • #6217 - There should be an asterisk icon for the required fields if the user is trying to book the product.

  • #6213 - Command For Bagisto Publish

  • #6208 - The product status should be Highlighted in product list page

  • #5967 - There should be an option to copy the product's share link.

  • #5960 - There should be an option for a sitemap generator. .

  • #5559 - There should be the currency icon inside the currency dropdown

  • #5530 - there should be an cross icon in blisss theme so that customer can delete product from cart

  • #5397 - The filter dropdown should be according to the selected value.

  • #5354 - The Input validation's dropdown should be according to attribute type.

  • #2718 - Show error message "No booking available" if booking is not available for selected date. Booking

  • #2308 - Existing groups in the attribute families are not translatable yet.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • #6290 - Cancel already shipped order results in incorrect pending inventory amount

  • #6279 - The currency icon is overriding on the currency dropdown when the app locale is Arabic.

  • #6270 - The enter key is not working if the admin is trying to apply the filter by pressing the enter key

  • #6267 - There should not be an exception if the admin is trying to view order after deleting the customer of same order Admin

  • #6266 - The admin is not able to view the bookings in the calendar view.

  • #6261 - The filter options should be under the filter button. when the customer is trying to filter order in Arabic locale

  • #6260 - The upload image option should be slightly on the right side. when the customer is adding a review for any product.

  • #6256 - There should not be any extra space between add to cart and the by now button.

  • #6253 - The page should be redirected to the particular order's page if the customer is clicking on the order id after placing the order.

  • #6250 - The admin is not able to view the customer's review if the customer is creating a review with the moustache syntax Like: {{ url(' ') }}

  • #6246 - The products are not listing when url key is null

  • #6244 - There is an exception when the customer is changing the app currency on the product view page.

  • #6228 - There should not be a blank value in the items per page dropdown. on customer orders page

  • #6206 - The border of calendar icon is not showing in dark mode, when the admin is trying to view booking in calendar view.

  • #6205 - The flash message should be according to the selected locale if the admin trying to create a Shipment.

  • #6204 - The carousel arrow icons [ previous and next ] should work properly in the Arabic locale.

  • #6202 - There should be some space between the input box and labels if the user is trying to book an appointment for any booking product.

  • #6196 - The admin should be able to delete the users.

  • #6195 - Mini Cart sub total is not updating after removing the cart's item.

  • #6192 - The shopping cart goes empty after removing an item from the mini cart.

  • #5772 - issue in french lanugage in navigation bar

  • #5067 - Products is_wishlisted attribute is always false on API