Arduino Youtube Api Versions Save

A wrapper around the youtube api for arduino


3 years ago
  • Code should be much more memory efficient as it does not rely on Arduino String now, although some methods that used String have been left in to retain backwards compatibility.
  • Fixed #19 , where the API was returning random characters between the headers and the body
  • Fixed #22 , Upgraded to use ArduinoJson V6 - Thanks to #22 and #16 for the PRs, but I ended up completely changing the library so it didn't make sense to bring in your code.
  • Added code in the ESP8266 example that allows it to run on ESP8266 core 2.5 and higher (probably #14)
  • Added "depends" keyword into library properties (sorry for not taking the PR #21 )


6 years ago

Added Support for ESP32 including examples.

Added a _debug flag for enabling serial debugging


6 years ago

Added an example that uses WifiManager library and DoubleResetDetector for forcing config mode if needed

Fixed issue with callback


6 years ago

Added an example that uses WifiManager library and DoubleResetDetector for forcing config mode if needed


7 years ago


7 years ago

Issues Fixed:

  • Fixes issue where eventually it would cause issues after 50 or so days of continuously running due to overflow of millis() command
  • Other Tidyups

Contributors for this release (thanks a lot!):


Included PR:


7 years ago