The world of web programming is very broad, and each specialist looks for the best practices in this area to obtain a good final result. Within this range of possibilities, we can find the APIs, which are fundamental protocols for the operation of current applications and websites.

An Application Programming Interface (APIis a set of operations that enable programs to communicate with external software elements, microservices, and operating systems.

To put it another way, an API provides a user's reply to a system and then returns the system's message to the user. You click "add to cart," and an API notifies the website that you've added an item to your shopping. The website then adds the item to your cart, and your cart is refreshed.

A developer can use an API to send or receive data by making a specified "call" or "request." JSON is a computer language that is used for this interaction. It can also be used to do a specific task, such as changing or deleting information.

Some basic request methods that can be made with API are PUT, GET, POST, and DELETE.

What is an API for?

One of the primary goals of APIs is to make development easier and save money and time for programmers.

For example, if you're building an online store, you won't have to build a payment platform or another system from the start to verify if a product is in stock. You could leverage an existing payment service's API, such as PayPal, and ask your supplier for an API that enables you to see what stock they have on hand.

Types of APIs


Representational State Transfer APIs, often known as RESTful APIs, is a type of REST API. REST APIs have recently gained popularity as a component of Web Services. Developers can use REST APIs to make requests and receive a response using HTTP functions. The REST framework is built on four basic HTTP commands. GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE are examples of these commands.


RPC is an acronym for Remote Procedure Call. RPC APIs, which are built to operate a piece of code on a remote server, were the first API type. It could become a Web API when used over HTTP.


The acronym SOAP refers to the Simple Object Access Protocol. REST is an architectural approach, whereas SOAP is a standards-based protocol. SOAP is reliant on XML-based systems and programming; therefore, its data tends to be larger and pricier. Additionally, SOAP APIs offer a higher security level.

Public API and Private API

The public API is only accessible to other businesses and programmers, not just the organization's internal team that created it. Since they simplify and broaden the way companies engage with their partners, public APIs have a distinct economic value. They can also make their data profitable.

Private APIs are designed to be used only by the organizations for which they were created. Because these interfaces provide access to a company's internal systems and data, they can only be used by the company's own developers. Companies will have more control over their APIs as a result of this.

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