Laravel Nova is a Laravel admin panel that allows rapid prototyping of a CRUD interface. Laravel Nova is also an extensible admin panel. In this article we selected the most useful packages that can make your work easy.

Laravel Nova Excel

Laravel Nova Excel is a Nova package for Laravel Excel. It allows exporting Nova resources to Excel or CSV Documents. The exported documents can be easily customized to fit any needs. For better performance, queries can be automatically chunked.

Advanced Nova Media Library

Advanced Nova Media Library is a tool that facilitates media management of Spatie's Medialibrary package.

Nova Backup Tool

Nova Backup Tool is a Nova interface for Spatie's Laravel Backup package. It allows us to view, create, download and delete backups.

Nova Permission

Nova Permission is a tool for Spatie's Laravel Permission package. It's an interface that facilitates roles and permissions management.

Nova Flexible Content

Nova Flexible Content is a tool that facilitates the creation of repeated and flexible field groups.

Nova Nested Form

A Laravel Nova tool that allows you to add nested relationships to a parent form.

Nova Tabs

Nova Tabs is a tool that allows to group the Nova fields in tabs.

Nova Multiselect Field

Nova Multiselect Field is a simple and easy to use multiselect Nova field.

Nova Sortable

Nova Sortable is a tool that facilitates the reorder of Nova resources using drag and drop. It's an interface for Spatie's Eloquent Sortable.

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