A Database system is a necessary form of digital structure that securely stores information while simultaneously maintaining the capability to retrieve data with relative ease. It is the lifeblood of any organization that processes data day in and day out. Before we infer which is the better system, relational or non-relational database, let’s look first at the benefits of using either one.

What is RDBMS?

A Relational Database Management System or RDBMS is simply defined as a framework that stores data in rows and columns that are made up of tables. These tables then relate to each other via “keys” that act as prompts that relate one data set to another.

A good example of a relational database is stock inventory. Every item in the list is related to one another via a workflow such as the sales for the day vs. sales for the week or lost items vs. the total no. of stocks available. Each item and its position in the inventory workflow relationally depend on each other. Thus, “keys” are then needed, similar to the “point of sale” to say when, how, and how many were transacted at a certain point in time.

The whole inventory system subsequently makes the necessary changes as it records the stock movement. In essence, when something is modified, like stock inventory, everything else changes.

What Are Non-Relational Databases?

Conversely, non-relational database stores various information structures that are not restricted to relational "keys." It can store data as is, in one place, and retrieve it in the same format.

One such example would be Facebook data. The information and structures to be stored in it are so varied and sometimes random that FB has to keep it all in one place intact in the document format with which it was uploaded. At this point, there is no actual schema or restriction that can be applied for such data.

In a non-relational database, data is stored in many variations side by side without being strictly related to each other. It can be modified or changed without having to ask permission for the key and modifying any other information beside or around it.


Relational databases provide the structure to data that requires regular updating and monitoring. It also allows unlimited indexing for faster query returns and better capability at executing complex SQL queries for reporting and analysis. Overall, RDBMS makes for a well-structured, secure system that provides pinpoint information for data while maintaining the capability to modify and signal automated changes across all tables and columns.

On the other hand, a non-relational database captures “Big Data”, Including any and all unstructured input without having to keep them in a restricted environment. This type of database allows for scalability and flexibility when it comes to required changes on a case-to-case basis.

Which Is Better?

Not surprisingly, we can conclude that none is better than the other. This is because they serve different needs in different areas, and they are both unique and especially useful for tasks that they are customed-tailored for.

image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/lRoX0shwjUQ